Pain-free, Injury-free, Quality Mobility with the natural - TopicsExpress


Pain-free, Injury-free, Quality Mobility with the natural by-product of fat-loss and muscle-gain... SAVE $450 and get a HUGE array of special free bonuses for this limited time promotional release of 6°Flow: my follow-along, easy-to-understand, errorlessly-progressing fitness program to restore Flow to your Physique! SixDegreeFlow Many of us are taught to believe that you cannot move well from a difficulty with learning skills or because youre out of shape; in truth, we cant move well because we are taught to use our minds to mimic what we see, rather than release what our bodies can innately do and are genetically programmed to express: flow. Despite the recent fad to rush back to primal movements - it is not the type of movements which are flawed but our manner of self-education. HOW we mimic movement conceals our immobilities. Without first restoring our mobility, we strengthen the dysfunction of our current physical state. My own learning difficulties help me realize this. I couldnt ever achieve what I saw. There was a skewed filter between what I observed, and what I could reproduce. So, I had to chunk down the movements into the smallest bite-sized portions possible that were IMPOSSIBLE TO ERR. By creating this errorless approach to re-learning and refining movement, I had discovered a science of flow. Flow is not a movement but a series of elastic transitions between stability platforms; an ocean of rubberband-like muscularity swimming between pliable, but sturdy islands of bone. Over the years of teaching thousands to unlock this flow within themselves, I developed surgically-precise steps for getting underneath the minds ability to screw up movement. I learned to go directly to the spine, and hijack the signal, so that I can download the flow back into your operating system. These motor hacks I created became my go-to teaching tools for even the hardest cases, like myself. So, when you look at what I am teaching, you may see fluidity and sophistication, but youre only looking at what your mind sees and thinks it cannot yet do, not what your spine KNOWS it is already capable of, if the parking-brakes are removed from your potential. Hacking into your central nervous system can only happen through certain mnemonic devices that I had to learn due to my own so-called disabilities. Ive never left one student behind! Even when I taught Flow at the global Nike Academy to 800+ students in the audience, many of whom didnt speak the language in which I was speaking, these hacks of mine gave me a universal language of errorless development: EVERYONE was able to perform the flow at the end! For the next 3 days only, I am going to give you a limited-time promotional offer to receive my magnum opus - the best work Ive done to date in my career on the steps to restore flow in your physique which Ive named 6°Flow to honor the science I had to study in order to distill it into a readily-accessible, exercise-oriented approach to quality of movement health. And now the moment you were waiting for... Ive done my absolute best, out of WELL OVER 1,000 entries!!! I just couldnt decide eliminate another contestant! So, Im giving away a 4th prize package for free to the following students: So, instead of the 3, here are my TOP4 Contest Winners of 6°Flow: #1: David Johnson: At 40 I was struck by a car while mountain biking home from the gym. I was left immobilized with agonizing hip lower back and knee pain. My Chiropractors told me I would require a back brace for the rest of my life and not to expect to continue an Active lifestyle which included wake boarding, mountain hiiking and athletic training) My Orthopedic Surgeons suggested back surgery to relief my chronic Sciatic . I simply asked my Dr. “what if I strengthen and re balanced my body” ? – They offered no response just a look of disbelief. I discovered Scott Sonnon while doing research on line. Scott’s body of work was INSTRUMENTAL in restoring my structural and core Integrity as well as range of movement. Scott taught me that If I did not address my dysfunction that my function would decrease ( I now get it!! ). If I had not discovered Scott Sonnon’s body of work I am 100% sure I would be dependent on the health care system versus HEALTHY and STRONG. At 48 I am now stronger and can move in ranges that I never thought was possible. Thank you Mr. Scott Sonnon (Coach). I look forward to MORE of your incredible work. #2: Johanne Chenail: I am now 58 years old, with no history of liking physical activity when I was young. After my a breast cancer 2 years ago, I didn’t like what my body had become over the years and started going to the gym. But I feel that what I can do there is limited and it certainly doesn’t help me lose the fat that crept up on my abs in the last years (because of menopause?). More and more, I see people all around me, about my age, complain of all sort of physical ailments, but they won’t change anything in their daily routine to improve themselves. I do not want to do the same. I truly think that something can be done to regain some of my youth shape and mostly to keep up feeling good and keep my body functional in the coming years. I intend to live up to 100 years old, so there are still more than 40 years available for me. The years of competition may be gone forever, but the years of enjoying life are definitely still ahead and I intend to enjoy my next 40 years as much as possible. #3: Betina Bengtsen: As as single mom to a child with ADHD challenges, working three jobs, suffering from arthritis in my hips – I don’t have a lot of time or a lot of choices when it comes to exercise. Scott’s TacFit exercises I can do at home at any time. I can keep strong, lean and fit without having to invest hours each day. Yes, I sometimes get frustrated that I am not yet strong enough to do all the routines. And no, it’s not all the routines that are possible because of the reduced mobility in my hips. But I try, I struggle and it keeps me able. #4: John Taylor: As I firefighter I place great demands on my body and mind. A recent round of shoulder surgery (to repair a torn labrum) and a fight with renal cancer (most likely due to carcinogens from smoke encountered on the job) resulting in the loss of one kidney only highlight the need for balance and flow in my life. Increasing lean muscle mass – and the concomitant improvement in hormonal balance – are just the prescription as I attempt to rehabilitate and return to the job. SixDegreeFlow
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 13:25:24 +0000

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