Parody on how tonights Question Time with Russell Brand and Nigel - TopicsExpress


Parody on how tonights Question Time with Russell Brand and Nigel Farage might look like. Absolutely hilarious. You are bound to hear their voices as you read along. (Taken from The Telegraph) DAVID DIMBLEBY: Good evening and welcome to Thingummy, which tonight is broadcast from somewhere. On our panel are five people. Tonight’s first question comes from a man. Not you, sir, the gentleman behind you. Yes you, sir, the one with the face and the arms. MAN IN THE AUDIENCE: The Coalition Government’s spending cuts have left many families struggling, while Ed Miliband’s Labour Party lack sufficient economic credibility to attract voters. But the question I really want to ask the panel is: how come you can never find a pen when you need one? NIGEL FARAGE: Look. Let’s be honest here, because the political class sure as hell won’t. Up and down this country, for the past 15 years, millions of ordinary working people outside the Westminster bubble have been suffering from an unprecedented shortage of pens. Is there a pen on top of the fridge? No. Is there one on the mantelpiece? Fat chance. On top of the chest of drawers? You’ve got to be kidding me. And, quite frankly, I think it’s about time we had a proper debate in this country about where all the pens are going. Because let me put it bluntly. Only the other morning, I was looking for a pen, and for the life of me I couldn’t find a single one. Meanwhile, over the past decade, net migration to this country has increased by 60.9 per cent. Coincidence? Pull the other one, matey – it’s got bells on. Open-door immigration has placed an enormous strain on British stationery, and ordinary working people shouldn’t be shouted down for saying it. Quite frankly, that’s just plain old common sense. DAVID DIMBLEBY: Comedy man with the hair? RUSSELL BRAND: Funny, isn’t it, how the privately educated mainstream media never talk about missing pens. When I was poor, they said I was just jealous of rich people’s pens. Now that I’ve got money and can afford to buy my own pens, they say I’m a hypocrite for pointing out that other people haven’t got pens. I’m starting to think they just don’t want to talk about pens. Now, I wonder why that could be? Obviously Nigel here – who by the way just happens to be sponsored by JP Morgan, Amazon, the NRA and Robert Maxwell – is all like, “Yeah, I care about ordinary working-class pens, I want poor people to have pens, I’m just an ordinary geezer like you who’s looking for a pen.” But did you know his daddy was actually this like billionaire stockbroker who owned dozens of pens, and made sure the apple of his eye here never went to his fancy posh private school without at least one pen in his blazer pocket? You didn’t? Funny, that. I guess that’s just one more thing the privately educated mainstream media don’t want to talk about. NIGEL FARAGE: Russell, Russell. Four words. Ab. Solute. Cods. Wallop. I mean, really. The idea that the ordinary working people of Britain are going to listen to some la-di-da Hollywood celebrity lecturing them about how many pens they’re allowed to have. I notice, by the way, that not once in your fascinating little speech did you mention the effect on pen ownership of EU fishing quotas. Honestly. You just don’t get it, do you? DAVID DIMBLEBY: I’m afraid I’m going to have to stop you both there because I’ve just woken up. Our next question comes from a lady. There she is, lady with the nose. WOMAN IN THE AUDIENCE: With a rapidly ageing population and an epidemic of obesity, the National Health Service in England is facing a reported shortfall in funding of £30billion a year. My question to the panel is: when you drop a piece of toast, why does it always fall buttered side down? NIGEL FARAGE: Excellent question, madam, and one that’s being asked by millions of ordinary working people up and down this country – not that you’d know it if you listened to the college kids in Westminster! Look: let’s stick to the facts. Just last week in Brussels, they passed a law decreeing that every single slice of toast in every single EU country – including Britain! – cannot legally be eaten unless it has first been dropped on the floor, coated in fluff, trodden on by the kids and licked by the dog. I mean, honestly. You literally couldn’t make it up, could you? RUSSELL BRAND: Interesting, isn’t it, that Nigel here talks about toast – yet for some reason he’s forgotten to mention that the last Ukip manifesto pledged to ban marmalade on the grounds that it’s “a bit gay”. NIGEL FARAGE: Well, look. As I’m sure Russell is only too well aware, we disowned that manifesto years ago. It’s ridiculous to say we want to ban marmalade because it’s gay. I’ve been very clear about this: marmalade is a perfectly acceptable citrus fruit preserve, enjoyed by millions of normal, red-blooded British men. Lemon curd, on the other hand, is deeply questionable – and if the metropolitan liberal elite want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that this issue is going to go away, they’re even more out of touch than I thought. RUSSELL BRAND: Convenient, isn’t it, the way Nigey-wigey here has blatantly shifted the pre-existing dialectic narrative from the visceral post-Nietzschean mythic power structures to the patriarchal bourgeois belief matrix paradigm. Or, as Chomsky so neatly observes: “Yummy yummy yummy, I got love in my tummy – and I feel like a-lovin’ you.” I notice ol’ Nige hasn’t said anything about that tonight. I wonder why? DAVID DIMBLEBY: I’m afraid that’s about all we’ve got time for this evening, but do join us next week when we’ll be in Melton Mowbray with Chuka Umunna, Su Pollard, Oswald Mosley, the late Thora Hird and Ivor the Engine. Good night.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:16:05 +0000

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