@Pastor Chriss divorce. 1. Malachi. God hates divorce cos He - TopicsExpress


@Pastor Chriss divorce. 1. Malachi. God hates divorce cos He hates the DISmembering of the flesh. Got it, God hates what divorce does to us, it breaks us, wounds us, He loves to see us whole, not broken. So the issue of divorce is not if its a big sin. Only FOOLS think that way, they are liars, fearful, angry, inconsistent, envious, jealous, egocentric, lustful people, yet cos their sins are not obvious to all, they sit in a corner and say that person and the other is a bigger sinner or that one disappointed God. While all the way, we are all bunch of disappointments saved by Grace and loved eternally. 2. WHATEVER God has joined together, let no man put assunder. English please? Its WHATEVER, not WHOEVER. That scripture talks of the Marriage idea, that was put together by God, let no man put assunder. God doesnt have a REGISTER in heaven for married people. In the realms of heaven, there is neither marriage nor giving of hand in marriage, for we are as angels. All the church, court, traditional wedding and yada yada are our earthly ways of sealing an earthly covenant. Marriage is not eternal, eternity flows through it though. When either of the partner dies, the convenant is broken! Only another Fool will combact this truth. 3. There is no perfect physical institution! Its juvenile when people say God never forsake us, hence we cannot forsake a partner. God is spirit, and he is married to a spiritual church. Marriage is a PHYSICAL union. We draw inspiration from the divine idea but its just stupid to translate that eternal idea to a physical posture. Spiritually, believers aint divorced, why? We are drunk into thesame unity of the Spirit of Christ. The divorce issue is fundamentally physical, trying to make it Spiritual is spooky but invalid. Two believers who are divorced still have word of knowledge, wisdom et al for eachother. 4. Divorce issues are far more complex than some juvenile deliquent believers can just barge into. Its just like breaking off a business partnership of many years, it involves too much paper works, relocation, restrategization etc. So before you act a fool and talk like your poor dad and angry mum are happily married, please note that most of by them are in that marriage bcos of you and its too late to start over. 5. Marriage is something we all look forward to and nobody is glad it didnt work. So your approach to divorcees should be prayer and love and not sound like they owe you. 6. He without sin cast the first stone. I know a fool who considers himself a good fool will cast that stone. Blessed. Pastor Harry.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:51:07 +0000

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