Paul Ryan Poverty Trap Theories Quotes White - TopicsExpress


Paul Ryan Poverty Trap Theories Quotes White Nationalist byVyanFollow Email 76 Comments / 76 New You just cant make this Sh#t Up sometimes. You just cant. Ryan at CPAC. “We call it a poverty trap,” he explained. “There are incentives not to work, and to stay where you are.” Ryan also pointed to the work of Charles Murray, a white nationalist, who has used “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. “That’s this tailspin or spiral that we’re looking at in our communities,” he told Bennett. “Your buddy Charles Murray or Bob Putnam over at Harvard, those guys have written books on this.” “Which is, we have got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working, and just generations of men not even thinking about working and learning the value and culture of work,” Ryan opined. “So, there’s a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. Oh, so its a cuilture problem? They just dont want to work? The jobs are out there, just rolling by down the sidewalk and they Just. Wont. Reach Out and Pick THEM UP? What. A. Crock. This is frankly, such bullshit. Most people who are in fact on public assistance, are not living in the inner cities - or to decode his oh-so-clever euphemenism - not BLACK. As a matter of fact...economix.blogs.nytimes/... Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share. White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share. So its not at all the case that people in the Inner Cities are receiving a massively disproportionate amount of government assistance, they actually get only 14% of what should be - if all things were theoretically even - 22% of the benefits, while White people get 69% of what should be their 42% share. (Some of the reason for this may be the fact that many of these benefits are actually coming from Social Security and Medicare, not Welfare) If Ryan and his pal Murray the supremacist were right, what then explains Applachia? Did all of them just wake up on the wrong side of the Still this Decade? I could say a lot more about this but the main thing is its just infuriating. This is a simply a fancy way of saying All those Black Guys are just Lazy and if we simply stop Coddling them with benefits, theyll finally get off their asses are Work! Yeah, its a bit like saying that all the Slaves needed was to quit stalling and Start Being Free, because its not like anyone was in direct opposition to that idea out there was there? People like Ryan might have a shred of a point if we had fair and honest job hiring practices in the country, but unfortunately - we dont. COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Bank of America has been ordered to pay nearly $2.2 million in restitution for discriminating against more than 1,100 black job seekers. Judge Linda S. Chapman of the U.S. Department of Labor has ordered the bank to pay 1,147 African American job applicants $2,181,593 in back wages and interest, for race-based hiring discrimination at the companys Charlotte, N.C., facility. Think thats merely a single exception and not sometimes the general rule? Pager and Western found strong evidence of hiring discrimination by New York employers against male job-seekers who were African American or of another oppressed nationality as compared to white men. The study used teams of young men who posed as job applicants, listing identical work and educational experience. They sought work as drivers, couriers, cleaners, fast-food servers, deli clerks, sales representatives, stockers, busers, waiters, cashiers and telemarketers. Some members of the study reported a felony drug conviction and 18 months of served prison time. The results? According to the June 17 New York Times, “Black men who had never been in trouble with the law were about half as likely as whites with similar backgrounds to get a job offer or a callback.” Think again. Heres the thing, Im not claiming this type of thing is an insurmountable hurdle or something that stops All Black Men Cold in their Tracks. it doesnt. The reality is that life isnt fair. We all know this, we all understand this. While some people go through life on grease rails, others have to battle through an uphill steeplechase. When you know that fact, in your bones, that people are not giving you a fair shake - and they simultaneously deny it and do their damndest to make you feel all the while that its, somehow, all youre own fault that theyve treated you this way - it can sometimes cause what I call a Hope Deficit. If Ryan thinks that some people who arent trying to work are doing it because of some cultural problem, I have two things to say: First, maybe the culture he needs to look at first is his own and second, maybe those few who really arent trying anymore arent doing it because theyre Lazy, maybe its because theyve simply given up all Hope that things can, or will, ever truly change. Theres a reason that Jesse Jackson has for so many years said Keep Hope Alive. Its not just a slogan, its damn good advice, because without Hope you have nothing. Nothing to strive for. Nothing to live for. Nothing to work for. Once youve lost that, youve lost everything. Why doesnt Ryan go to work on that Cultural problem instead of blaming and punishing the poor for having temerity to get the short end of the stick? Vyan
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:19:43 +0000

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