Please take a moment to read this extremely important information - TopicsExpress


Please take a moment to read this extremely important information about your pet bird ownership. It is at stake! From Kashmir Csaky: As the list of states that automatically adopt the ESA list to their state list grows, thereby prohibiting possession of ESA listed birds, I know that you are feeling helpless and do not know what to do. You are not helpless. There are thing that you can do. You can write your representatives in government and let your voice be heard. Write your senators and congressmen, and then let me know what kind of response you get. Do they seem supportive and interested, do they brush you off, or do they respond at all? I will make a list of politicians that are supportive and the ones who seem to be against us. If you are conflicted about their response call them. If they seem uninterested, show up at a town hall meeting with one of your birds. You will get a lot of attention. Do not act like an angry bird; behave like a loving concerned pet owner. Be responsible take clean up supplies, take only calm birds and do not allow your bird to become stressed. If you feel your bird is becoming stressed it is time to leave. Write the congressional working group. If there is a representative from your state in the group, write him or her personally. Send letters to the companies that you buy bird food, cages, toys and more from ask them to support the fight against listing nonnative birds on the ESA list. Remember, that the intent of the ESA list is to preserve birds in their native countries and to promote captive breeding. It does neither. The birds are already protected by CITIES and the WBCA. They do not need to be added to the ESA list which only takes away our freedoms and harms our pets. Join the AFA and make a donation to the legal fund. Most people think the AFA is all about breeders, it is not. It is for all bird owners, pet owners, rescues anyone with a bird and all species. The founding principle of the AFA is to protect us from legislation that would prohibit us from owning birds or restrict our ownership. AFA began in the 70s when there was an outbreak of END. The USDA confiscated and killed 11.9 million birds of all kinds and yet the virus was contained very slowly. To prevent pets from being unnecessarily confiscated and killed again the AFA was formed. In 2003 there was another outbreak of END and fewer pet birds died because of it. However, most pet owners did not know their rights and the birds that were confiscated and killed may not have died if the owners had been members of AFA and been informed of their rights. Peoples gave up their rights because they did not know what to do and in the process they lost their birds. In some cases I heard about their rights were violated and their birds were confiscated and killed. Most people seem to think that AFA is a large organization of bird breeder and that it is powerful and rich. While there is a dedicated leadership and membership, the organization is small and does not have millions of dollars like the HUSU or Peta. They are a David to the AR’s Goliath and to be effective they need your help and your support. AFA has yearly educational conventions that they try to move to various locations in the US so that people can attend. They publish an awarding winning magazine. They also have a disaster fund and have assisted bird owners in many horrible disasters, like Katrina. So, if your bird is important to you join AFA and if you feel that is not a good fit for you at least give to the legal fund and protect yourself and your bird.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:19:01 +0000

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