Prayed hard last night as I floated in Gods element - WATER, under - TopicsExpress


Prayed hard last night as I floated in Gods element - WATER, under HIS SKY, confessed my sins, purged my soul, and prayed for clarity. And God gave me these 3 words...FORGIVE, TRUST, & FAITH. I must first ask him for FORGIVENESS for myself. I must then FORGIVE myself for my own mistakes in this situation (which Ill admit is hard for me), and then I MUST FORGIVE TYLER PERRY no matter how much the human part of me wants to HATE HIM for what he did to me. THEN, I must TRUST GOD (just as I so easily trusted I would not go under the water as I lay floating in HIS creation-WATER), trust him to handle this WHOLE SITUATION from here on out, move out of his way, and let him hold me, protect me, and order my steps. THEN I must have FAITH that all of this will work for HIS GLORY in the end, and that HIS WORD will not come back VOID, have FAITH that HE IS IN CONTROL regardless of what I can see or assume, because his ways are mysterious, but he is already TURNING THIS for HIS PURPOSE. I am only a VESSEL and when I RE-COMMITTED my LIFE to him, I vowed that I would let him USE ME. So I must have FAITH that in all things, this is how HE CHOSE to do it, and I dont have to understand it. I must only BE OBEDIENT. And lastly, I MUST seek in all MY WAYS to LIVE this show name MYSELF, which I sacrificed so much to protect, and MYSELF, be AN EXAMPLE of WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? So that everyone SAVED or UNSAVED, who has been drawn, attracted, interested, even curious about this STORY, good intentions or not, will be enlightened and exposed to CHRIST, HIS MERCY HIS LOVE, & HIS POWER through this. So my friends, MY PURPOSE & MY MISSION is not BACK on TRACK, it was never OFF TRACK. ONLY because GODs PLAN is not always OUR PLAN. And this is true not only in MY LIFE, but I hope you can see how it can apply to YOUR OWN LIFE, and whatever you may be going through. I had to be humbled. I had to be willing to sacrifice the things I valued (career, popularity, success, money, whatever), be transparent, show & share my vulnerability, so people can see GOD TURN IT. So here I am, so un-perfect, but so committed to ALL OF THE ABOVE. Please take what you can from my experience, my mistakes, triumphs, successes and failures. And sincerely, I hope in it, you will find GODs MERCY, HIS LOVE, and HIS PROMISE OF OUR REWARD IN HEAVEN, is all we need. It is ALL THAT MATTERS, and it truly SUPERCEDES anything and anyone, we VALUE in this world. Please keep me in your prayers, I will do the same for you. And lets all VOW to use OUR TESTS, whatever they may be, as a chance to show ourselves and each other, that GOD CAN & WILL TURN THEM into OUR TESTIMONIES, if WE LET HIM. I pray this for us all of us, in JESUS HOLY NAME. AMEN I will move forward with show, Im waiting on GOD to show me how. But if he moves you to suggest, provide, or even share an option, or resource to help make that happen, please inbox me, and just let me know. And I will use his discernment and wisdom to know what to do with it. I do believe where 2 or 3 are gathered, GODs prayers are answered. We are way more than 2 or 3, so if we PRAY for each other, its gonna be alright. Thank you again for your love & support! I love you all. Kim Poprah Kearney
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:29:59 +0000

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