Quick, reflection time! What have you learned about your - TopicsExpress


Quick, reflection time! What have you learned about your unconscious programming since October 2012? (Okay, in all fairness, probably not a quick answer... :) Has there been a deep issue, troubling pattern, inner message, reoccurring fear, or hidden something that has been requiring major change in you? And its perhaps been hard... difficult... challenging.... painful... maybe even obsessive at times. Everyone has these aspects of themselves - its part of the human experience. So if nothing is coming to mind right now, just sit with it and see what arises over the next few hours or days. Well good news, peeps! Cuz whatever it is will begin shifting to a higher perspective as of TOMORROW when Saturn enters Sagittarius for the first time since 1989. Over the past few years, Saturn in Scorpio has been requiring us to dig in our inner coal mine to do intense, ambitious work. Weve been guided to investigate whats in the dark and to know our own Shadow energy more. And it aint always pretty! But again, everyone has these aspects of themselves. In fact, you should run in the other direction if someone claims that they do NOT have a Shadow side... cuz thats a blaring red flag... and riding a unicorn through life only gets you so far on the consciousness path. We all know unicorn hooves are a bit soft and dont work on the tough terrain. :) So on Tuesday, Saturn, the great teacher who requires hard work, effort, and discipline to see results, moves into Sagittarius until 2017 (except for a brief return to Scorpio next summer). Now we take the intensity and discoveries of the last few years and see how they can work for us, inspire us to grow, and support what we believe in in this world. Sagittarius is associated with many areas, including curriculum, faith, trust, and higher understandings. Over the next few years, you may find yourself wondering: What am I learning about myself and my connection to something bigger than my every day experiences? Am I locked into one belief system that is making me unconsciously judgmental? How am I applying what I know to be true - am I walking my talk? Am I making time for FUN and celebrating life as I go, or am I sitting in my castle perch watching the parade go by? Well see significant changes and restructuring in higher education, justice systems, the publishing world, legal actions, world religions, and international relations that are meant to move us forward into a new world dynamic. More TRUTH will come forward and it wont be pretty, but it will serve a purpose and transition into greater light. Which will then be very, very pretty. Back to you. Whatever youve learned since October 2012 has probably been hard, but now you can be bold and inspired with your next choices. Life is an adventure, so prepare for the next call of your Soul to take you forward! Shake it off, warm up, find the lesson and the meaning! Apply what youve learned, and Saturn the great teacher will reward you - hes fair like that. I share more about Saturn in Sagittarius here! blogtalkradio/mollymccord/2014/12/23/big-astrology-energy-change--saturn-in-sagittarius-encore And the bigger picture is that three outer planets are now in Fire signs - Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo, and Saturn in Sag. (As someone who has tons o fire in my natal chart, including a rare Grand Trine in Fire, Sag rising and 6 planets in fire, this is especially exciting to see and feel because its rare, baby! And will only last until next summer. HOWEVER, a lot of fire means you have to make sure you dont go overboard because a lot of fire does that - you dont notice the STOP signs, and the energy just keeps swirling, moving, spinning - no coffee required. :) Movement, inspiration, motivation, action, creativity, and laughter are in the cards BIG TIME throughout 2015, so no standing on the sidelines of your life! If not now, when? If not you, who? (Sorry, cant remember who said that, but happy to quote the source if you know.) (One more thing - doesnt October 2012 feel like eons ago????)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:31:00 +0000

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