RETIREMENT BENEFITS BILL No. 38 of 2013. It is truly shameful - TopicsExpress


RETIREMENT BENEFITS BILL No. 38 of 2013. It is truly shameful that one year after exiting office of the Prime Minister and Vice President respectfully, both Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka are still waiting on their retirement perks. Railas grand coalition principal Kibaki was long paid off, given an expensive office and stately home that he hardly utilizes. Moi, Muthaura, Awori, and a host of senior government officials (some of whom are serving as elected leaders) are enjoying their rightful retirement perks. Moi was actually given the former VPs official residence for keeps, forcing the government to buy prime land in Karen and Erect a house that cost Sh400 million for the DP. The former PM and VP got nothing. It would appear the CORD leadership are being held at ransom by the Jubilee lapdog in parliament Majority Leader Aden Duale who wants the CORD leaders to retire from politics as a precondition to Jubilee dominated parliament passing the retirement bill moved by Hon John Mbadi. Presently, there is a real risk that these perks thats CORD leaders await on might be done away with under the pretext of reducing the public wage bill. All former MPs of the 9th and 10th are being paid their pension without anyone raising a voice of protest. Only CORD leaders remain victims of political machinations. The CORD nation must rise up and demand the an end to this selective application of law
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:21:40 +0000

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