Reading Not For Everyone. How To Spell ImPastor... Am I - TopicsExpress


Reading Not For Everyone. How To Spell ImPastor... Am I addressing every single pastor in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church? Absolutely, positively, definitely not. I have never in the past and would never today or in the future present the Adventist situation as being that hopeless because we know that God always has his 7000. With that understanding let me continue from last post. Our jesuit control seminaries and schools of theology have succeeded in effectively poisoning the minds of our S.D.A. pastors and set them loose on the congregation of Israel like ravening wolves disguised in sheeps clothing. Our S.D.A. pastors have an agenda. They are already convinced that they have a duty to revamp the Adventist belief system, all the way back to 1844. They are convinced that our pioneers have made a serious erroneous blunder in their interpretations of Scripture which gave rise to what we believe to be the pillars of our faith because they didnt have the smarts and latest scientific Biblical research resources that these younger smarter modern pastors do. Yes, what our S.D.A. seminarians are today suggesting today is that it takes more than the Holy Ghost to get a true understanding of Scripture. God cannot teach men apart from them? How papal can we get? Our seminaries have been teaching our pastors that our pioneers colored their study and interpretation of the Bible by their preconceived assumptions they brought to bear upon the Scriptures. For example, our pioneers merely used the Bible to prove and support their assumptions but if you preserve the word of God in its true context and such like, then the pillars of Adventism would crumble on their own. Yeah right! This pretended love, respect and appreciation for the integrity of the holy Scriptures is a cover being concocted to destroy the very foundation of Seventh-Day Adventism. It sounds really sincere and true on the surface but when you see where they are actually going with their hypocrisy, you will cringed. Another form of attack for instance, is that the proof text method has been one of the ways Seventh-Day Adventists have done violence to the Word of God because of our misinterpretation of Isa 8:12 that says here and little, there a little, line upon line.... and other texts like Isa 66:23 and so on. The so-called higher criticism have really lost their marbles on this one. They failed to see that while our pioneers have respect unto the context they also know that without secondary applications, which is obviously intrinsic to nature of prophecies then those Scriptures written in past time would mean absolutely nothing to us and would make the Bible totally irrelevant in the present and future, but thank God for words in the Bible like... IN THE LAST DAYS...!!! The more you listen to Seventh-Day Adventist theologians the more you see their move to have the Bible nailed to the pulpit and kept from the common people because they are liable to do violence to Scripture without having a formal theological education which alone will qualify one to teach the Scriptures. Our theologians are fast buying into the lie being perpetuated by Rome, i.e. terrorists are born through unsupervised study of the Scriptures. Brothers and sisters our Seventh-Day Adventists pastors are hopelessly indoctrinated with the theology of Rome, even the religion of human nature whereby our pastors fear precisely what Rome fears and that is our pioneers correct interpretation of Scripture, i.e. the present truth which correctly identifies the greatest threat to mans eternal salvation, i.e. the beast, his image, his mark, his agenda and the way to successfully escape and overcome. Our Adventist pastors, via our seminaries have been converted to being dumb dogs who will not bark... present truth like a trumpet, set loose upon the congregation to dumbify and devour them. They through their preaching and interpretation of the gospel are suppressing the present truth in unrighteousness by exalting themselves above all that is called God.... To be continued.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:14:22 +0000

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