Russian border guards shot militants who flee from Ukraine? On - TopicsExpress


Russian border guards shot militants who flee from Ukraine? On neutral territory near the border with Russia in the area of Lugansk region shot a minibus with passengers. This is the website Inforezyst referring to the locals. According to them, the night before the citizens of Russia who fought for separatists in eastern Ukraine, attempted to leave our country and were shot by border guards of the Russian Federation. The incident occurred near the village of gap Sverdlovsk district of Luhansk region. Read more: militants have turned the lake into a mass grave in Slavic The cars were citizens of Russia who took part in the fighting on the territory of Ukraine on the side of the separatists. Earlier, they tried to break into the home in army trucks, but were stopped by Russian border guards. During the second attempt to penetrate into the territory of the gunmen were shot dead by border guards of - said in a statement. Thus, according to local residents shot machines in the area very much.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:32:17 +0000

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