SUMMER TIME ENERGY-SAVING TIPS (CONTINUATION): Cutting back unnecessary energy use is an easy way to reduce energy consumption while saving money. Here are some additional suggestions you can do at home, at absolutely no cost to you. TURN UP YOUR THERMOSTAT Set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and 85 degrees or off when you are away. Using ceiling fans allows you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room. Always take into account health considerations and be sure to drink plenty of fluids in warm weather. (Save: 1 - 3 percent per degree, for each degree the thermostat is set above 72 degrees.) USE YOUR APPLIANCES WISELY To help prevent electricity outages, avoid running your appliances during peak hours, --from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. -- or anytime an electricity emergency is declared. *Do your laundry efficiently by using the warm or cold water setting for washing your clothes. Always use cold water to rinse clothes. (Save: 4 percent) *Line dry clothes whenever you can. *When you need to use the dryer, run full loads, use the moisture-sensing setting, and clean the clothes dryer lint trap after each use. *Conserve energy by running your dishwasher only when it is fully loaded, and turn-off the dry cycle and air dry dishes instead. OPERATING SWIMMING POOL FILTERS AND CLEANING SWEPT EFFICIENTLY *Reduce the operating time of your pool filter and automatic cleaning sweep to four to five hours, and only during off-peak time.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 01:07:31 +0000

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