Searle Excellence Academy ; North - Stand-out-in-the-Crowd Sept - TopicsExpress


Searle Excellence Academy ; North - Stand-out-in-the-Crowd Sept 2014; Rawalpindi /Islamabad Highly effective sales managers have a set of skills and characteristics in common that set them above all the rest, and which enable them to help their teams to achieve results that are also way above average. These characteristics are: 1. Too many sales teams are over managed and under led. Highly effective sales managers find numerous ways to come alongside team members to motivate and reward them in a social format that brings out the best in them in a way that inspires everyone. 2. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. This is just a way of saying that highly effective sales managers don’t rely on theoretical or arbitrary programs to drive sales team performance. 3. Building the team; finding and hiring talent. Effective sales managers are committed to hiring the best talent available. 4. Cadence and Consistency: Set and manage the heartbeat of the team. A sales team thrives when all the components of the sales and management process follow regular standards and schedules. If sales managers have the tools, real time tracking and instantaneous feedback are by far the best methods. 5. Key Performance Indicators: The glue of your communication strategy. An integral part of a consistent winning cadence is the tone and the topics of your communications with your sales team. 6. Manage the Forward Pipeline: The difference between pipeline and forecasting. Most sales managers understand the necessity of communicating regularly with team members about pipeline and forecasting. However, highly effective sales managers understand there is a difference between the two. 7. Process: Don’t over engineer it, but don’t ignore it. Every sales team works within a standardized process which defines how to approach, qualify, work with and close the customer. 8. Coaching: In the day – in the moment. Coaching is the responsibility most neglected by sales managers, because it requires them to borrow time from their already busy day. 9. Herding cats: Dealing with the mavericks and high performers. It takes a special kind of person to thrive as a sales professional. The highly competitive profile of a successful sales rep can make them a challenge to work with and lead. Effective sales managers know how to motivate and reward this unique breed of cat, to maximize performance and minimize conflict, thus taking a “good” sales professional making them “great.” Shrewd managers also leverage social networking, using the success of high performers to motivate others, turning great individual performers into great performing teams. 10. Leading Indicators: Worrisome patterns of behavior. Effective sales managers are always thinking ahead; they can recognize what small trends indicate before they become big problems. 11. Protect their time: You can’t sell if you aren’t spending time with customers. Highly effective sales managers practice good time management habits, and they enable their sales teams to make the most of their time by eliminating demands on their time that don’t directly help drive revenue. 12. Celebrate: Winning is fun. Celebrate it! This ought to be self-explanatory, but some sales managers wait too long and then don’t celebrate enough.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:46:43 +0000

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