Sermon Title: The Power Of First Fruit / Sacrifice Scriptural - TopicsExpress


Sermon Title: The Power Of First Fruit / Sacrifice Scriptural Reference: Ezekiel 44:30, Romans 11:16, Genesis 4:1-5, Jeremiah 2:1-3, Hebrews 11:4, I Chronicles 2:7, Joshua 5:14-15, 6:16-19 When you appreciate and celebrate with people for what God has done in their lives you open the door for the same miracle and even more to happen to you. Every thing that God requires is a sacrifice. It is a sacrifice because it is not easy to fulfil or perform. The first fruit is a sacrifice or a requirement from God. If you give your first fruit to God you will automatically open the heavens upon life As believers we must always remember that it is the blessing of God that makes us successful and great in life. The first fruit is your first salary or paycheck at the beginning of every year. The first fruit belongs to God. It is a holy sacrifice that must be set aside for God. The giving of this holy sacrifice makes the remaining and subsequent income, revenue and resources also holy and acceptable to God. The payment of first fruit causes Gods blessing to reside with you for the rest of the year. Gods love is unconditional but the blessing of God is conditional. The promise of Gods blessings upon our lives can only be realized when certain conditions are met or fulfilled. Who you are is not determined by what you have. Who you are is determined by what you have inside of you. The branches of a tree are what we see but it is not the branches that sustain the tree but the roots. The life of a plant is held or sustained by the roots. The root for the sustenance of Gods blessing upon our lives is our first fruit. There are things about God that are non-negotiable. There are seasons that God makes demands on us. Even though God is a God of seasons He is not bound by seasons. You cannot serve God anyhow and expect Him to come through for you. God is a God of principles and He is only moved when His principle(s) are adhered to. God requires of us to give Him our first fruit. Disobedience to this instruction of giving of first fruit brings damnation, destruction and disaster. The distinction between people is their obedience to the giving of sacrifices. First fruit is the mark of distinction. First fruit opens doors to uncommon blessings and favour. First fruit has the power to declare us righteous before God. If you dont give, no testimony will come to you or be given about you. Total obedience to God is the key that unlocks Gods goodwill upon our lives. When God requires a sacrifice or first fruit from you dont give Him an offering as a substitute because He will not accept it. Our sacrifices speak for us and connects us to God and His abundant supply. When God accepts your sacrifice He also accepts you. Anything that is easy to do does not need faith. Faith is needed to walk successfully with God. Faith is a requirement for total obedience to the things of God. It takes faith to give your first fruit to God. When you are obedient to God in the paying of your first fruit you access the insurance of God with an assurance that your life will be protected and preserved from all calamity. God admonishes us in I Chronicles 2:7 never to take anything that belongs to Him because it will be an accursed thing in our possession. If you want to see the glory of God in your life you must be faithful and obedient to the instructions of God. Dont live your life on miracles but on Gods laws and principles. God sees you as greedy if you hold on to what belongs to Him. Paying of first fruit is not about the amount but about obedience to the requirement and principle of God. As we end the year and look on to enter 2015 let us prepare to give our first fruit at the beginning of the year so we can ensure the blessings of God upon our lives throughout the year.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:51:28 +0000

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