Short Journey from the Heavens of Dark Sky Alqueva up to the Comet - TopicsExpress


Short Journey from the Heavens of Dark Sky Alqueva up to the Comet Lovejoy Viagem ao Cometa Lovejoy a partir do Dark Sky Alqueva EN: In the movie sequence below captured by Miguel Claro Astrophotography, we can dip into a short journey that starts in the land of Juromenha, in the Dark Sky Alqueva, Portugal, with a stargazer trying to find with their own eyes and binoculars the glowing green head of Comet Lovejoy. After a few seconds we will zoom in, entering in a real time lapse sequence capturing the slowly movement of the comet and their ion blue tail, made by ionized gas – gas energized by ultraviolet light from the Sun and pushed outward by the solar wind – while it is crossing some stars of Taurus constellation. Finally, we will zoom out in a final still photograph that shows the strong and huge green head of diatomic carbon (C2) – gas fluorescing in sunlight that produces the coma’s green color – as well as a wide view of the entire fainter bluish tail, with more than 5 million kilometers at the comet’s estimated distance of 75 million kilometers from Earth. The still images in the sequence are available here: miguelclaro/wp/?page_id=901 PT: Esta noite, Miguel Claro Astrophotography e o Dark Sky Alqueva convidam-vos a mergulhar numa viagem de 40 segundos que começa no Hotel Rural Herdade Naveterra, no límpido céu do Dark Sky Alqueva, com um observador que tenta encontrar com o auxílio de binóculos uma mancha difusa esverdeada na região do céu abaixo das Pleiades. À medida que nos aproximamos dessa mancha, percebemos que se trata do Cometa Lovejoy, poucos segundos depois, entramos assim numa sequência Time Lapse onde é visível o movimento real do cometa com o seu Coma esverdeado (cabeça) - devido ao carbono diatómico - à medida que se desloca entre as estrelas da constelação de Touro, terminando numa ampla visão que abarca a extensa e azulada cauda de 5 milhões de quilómetros de distância, de gás energizado pela luz ultravioleta do Sol e empurrado para fora, pelo vento solar. As imagens da sequência estão disponíveis em: miguelclaro/wp/?page_id=901
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:23:57 +0000

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