Since I am posting about blessings, let me acknowledge one more. - TopicsExpress


Since I am posting about blessings, let me acknowledge one more. Like many of you; often there is more month left at the end of our money. Not complaining, we get by and there are many out there with much less! I could take on a second job and most definately would or will if it gets to that point. Ive worked 2 jobs many times in my life already trying to just get by. Honestly, I dont want to ever have to do it again, but I would!! Over the years, we have had much worse times but with Gods help, we have always made it through tough times. He has always provided, many tunes through family, friends , even co-workers. Its very humbling. Recently we were pretty short on funds. Stretching our dollar as far as we could. We dont believe in credit cards unless it is a necessity we do not gave cash for. We try not to live beyond our means, be in too much debt. Well I didnt say anything, I was being frugle, watching my pennies and Sonja Gentry just decided on her own to surprise us! She blessed us with some groceries to help get through to the next payday! We had a few groceries, we were not complaining, like I said, weve experienced worse in years past. Sonja works two jobs, she is not rolling in the dough, but she is very rich in spirit! She never hesitates to share what she does have with others in need. I admire her for that and yes, I have told her this. Our AWESOME God has always sent someone to help me/ my family when we are in need. PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow!! Thank you Sonja Gentry!! I have seen your generosity and compassion for others often! You give even when you dont have much to give! May God bless you the way you bless others. Although I cannot usually help monetarily, I try to pay it forward in other ways. If I can help any of you, don t hesitate to ask! I will do what I can to help! We are ALL Gods children, brothers and sisters in Christ, here to help each irher. For now, just know you are all in my prayers!! Thank you again Sonja and thank you God?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:34:07 +0000

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