So here was a real Kodak moment – minus the Kodak. Late last - TopicsExpress


So here was a real Kodak moment – minus the Kodak. Late last night/early this morning I was catering a television episode deep within an old abandoned mill. This place is long and deep, with a pair of train tracks that go maybe 1/4 mile into the structure. Its also pretty dark in there, except for the occaional lighting placed there by the crew. And its extremely narrow, so much so, that if another vehicle is coming the other way, one of you has to pull over and hug the walls to let the other guy squeeze past. A man made canyon, if you will. Now imagine this television program has hired sixty or seventy extras to play zombies in this episode, and the producers are shuttling them from scene to scene as needed. And now imagine youre driving a vehicle that presently has no reverse. As in NONE. So when I arrived at the set, they guided me deep into the building where there was a wide area where I could actually turn around so that Id be pointed out when it was time to leave. I had to drive over the train tracks to do it (which itself was interesting), but I made it with minimal wear & tear. Once placed, I opened the doors and started catering the crew. Two hours later, it was time to head out. I looked ahead; the coast was clear! Smooth sailing ahead... Or so I thought. About two thirds of the way out, there were a couple of wardrobe trucks blocking my exit, and Id have to squeeze past them to get out. Can I make it? I think so. So I slooooowly hooked my way around the first trailer -- and realized that there was a concrete abutment on the other side. I was STUCK! And by this time, everyone was 100 yards away in the opposite direction. Fortunately, about two minutes later, I saw the silhouettes of two big burly guys coming my way. Hallelujah! Ill just recruit them to push me backwards five feet, straightened myself out, and Ill be home free. Once they came into the light, I noticed that they werent part of the crew: They were zombies. But what the hell? Zombies are strong, right? So Pony Espresso, 20 years and 1 week into its existence, was rescued by two 300 pound zombies, so I made them each a mocha for their efforts. One decaf with whip, the other a triple with no whip. That was definitely a first.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:00:55 +0000

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