So now after joining a new gym, Ive had the opportunity to - TopicsExpress


So now after joining a new gym, Ive had the opportunity to reflect...on the many douchey stereotypes I have had the pleasure of sharing exercise space with (HINDSIGHT EDIT: perhaps spent a little long on this). 1. The Dropper He personally believes in a strong correlation between the loudness of weights falling to the ground and masculinity. Oftentimes can be a Premature Finisher or a BCO (see below). 2. The Multitasker Saving seven pieces of equipment concurrently isnt super-setting, its called being a prick. 3. The Creative Soul Bouncing a medicine ball against a wall while jumping onto 8 stacked step boards and catching it back into a tricep standing row is a great workout...for a seal 4. The Literary Buff Imagine a typical literature fan: skinny and carrying around 18th Century Romantic poetry. Now substitute 18th Century Romantic poetry for Fitness Magazines. Voila. 5. The Bicep Curl Overachiever (BCO) If you need to use your back, legs, and eternal grunting to curl, youre doing it wrong. 6. The Premature Finisher Lifts an obscenely heavy weight for an average of 1.3 reps, screams f!@#, and then stares at oneself in the mirror with disappointment afterwards. What happened on Saturday night, stays on Saturday night. 7. The Autobiography You and everyone else at the gym has learnt about his life struggles, one of them not being exercising, ever. 8. The Roidy Whered your neck go, gurl? 9. The Abusive Husband Im all for girls doing weights, but this is the guy who yells at his lady-friend for not deadlifting 100kg and then orders her to clean up his weights. Charming. 10. People who are none-of-the-above Thank you for existing.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:29:21 +0000

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