Some wise words in light of last nights events, from Prakash - TopicsExpress


Some wise words in light of last nights events, from Prakash Amarasooriya. Stay safe everyone, and stay informed! This message is directed at all people who attend or have attended York University. Once again, for those who dont know, Im the Vice-Chair of the Community Safety Council (CSC). Ive been working tirelessly since September in that position to improve safety on campus. And it looks like after last nights incident, my position got a lot more complicated. Thoughts go out to the injured students, their friends and their families. I would like to say that while I do agree we have a LONG way to go in making sure everyone feels safe on campus, I dont want to undermine the work many people and groups of the community (SASSL, TBLGAY, CWTP, CHR, college presidents, and literally dozens more) have been doing in increasing safety on campus. If you have been a Facebook friend of mine for a while, you would have noticed that I constantly post updates on York, including safety-related information. We held a Safety Forum three weeks ago with one of the themes regarding Police presence. It was promoted on the TV screens, posted on yFile, and I personally created a Facebook event page for it, and contacted professors, Undergraduate Program Assistants, and Faculty Departments to pass off to the message to their students. While it was an amazing success, unless you had prior engagements (class, events, etc.), it could have been attended by any one of you. Realize that safety is a complicated issue. Some people want more Police/Security/cameras/other resources and some want less. Both groups are justified in their reasons but working with multiple perspectives, creative solutions are needed in order to satisfy the most amount of people. For better or for worse, York University is your school. If I dont agree with certain policies and procedures at York or anywhere I am a part of, I actively work towards changing them. I notice many students on my Facebook also are actively vocal about their anger with the University and what I commend and respect about certain students is that they work towards informing the public and work towards positive change. They dont just propagate the issue and say uninformed comments but work towards a solution. Also, while the University is far from perfect and definitely needs improvement in matters of safety, recognize that your anger should be channeled at the perpetrators of the crime. I can only do so much as one person and Ive recognized that a long time ago. A lot of people are apathetic on certain issues until it becomes a hot topic. And I understand completely. Being a student is a full time job and is your main priority when attending university. Many people have full time jobs in addition to being a student. A lot of you may have family to take care of, extra-curricular activities that youre passionate about and many other priorities that may not allow you to be involved in issues such as safety. But I want you to recognize that safety is EVERYONEs issue and whether you like it or not, youre involved. From your Facebook/Twitter posts to your personal conversations with your friends, you positively or negatively affect safety on campus. Its not your responsibility to be in charge of safety, but you are relevant to the issue. In terms of what you can do to help, dont think youre powerless. In fact, many of your fellow students in their respective groups have already contributed to improving safety on campus. A new CSC Student Committee formed last year, where students can have their opinions heard and can actively work on safety initiatives. You are welcome to join. The only thing I ask is that you stay committed to improving safety and not just join as a reaction to last night. Safety concerns everyone and includes multiple factors, varying all the way from physical safety to systemic issues of oppression. Its not an easy task and requires commitment but the ONLY way for safety to improve on campus, as Ive said multiple times before, is that we ALL need to work together on these issues. That includes students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, members of the Village AND the Jane and Finch community. This is possible and has been happening for some time now. We just need to keep it going and do it on an even bigger scale. To join the CSC Student Committee, send me your email so I can add you to the listserv, and also join on YUConnect: Yorks Safety website includes ALL safety info, including but not limited to Security Incident Logs, CSC Meeting minutes, Safety Resources Pamphlet for students, Safety App, Safety Statistics and initiatives, Security bulletins and an online form where you can submit safety concerns and receive a response. You can even do so anonymously. When you get the chance, I highly recommend making yourself more informed by visiting the website: And as always, you can always send me your concerns and I will follow up with them. But I only have a year left and I want people to start being proactive towards safety, not reactive, before I leave. And continue to do so after I leave. Speaking as Prakash the student, and not the Vice-Chair, Ive also created an informal Facebook group on Safety last year and have been posting every safety related update I receive on the Facebook group. If you honestly care about the safety of your community and are not just acting in the heat of the moment, I encourage you to have your voice heard and stay informed: https://facebook/groups/657033380983689/ Feel free to share this status and its resources with your friends and family. I care about every single of you reading this, even if I met you once. And even if I dont know you, I care. I will personally promise you that I will stay dedicated toward making the campus and world a better place. I hope you can join me in this initiative.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:06:47 +0000

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