Sorry for the long post... I am an American. I do not - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the long post... I am an American. I do not finish that statement with an exclamation point, because it is not some wild declaration of defiance, but a simple statement of exactly where I stand. I do not finish that statement with a question mark, because there is no doubt in my mind exactly what it means to be an American. I am an American. I love my country, but I have a deep-seated dissatisfaction with the direction that this government has chosen. The corruption and the lies are paving the path to despotism, and I believe that to be a dark path to an evil place. Once we began to accept lies from our leaders, we opened a dangerous gate to that path. If it is not closed soon, we may never get it closed again. I find the docile acceptance of this behavior frightening and abhorrent. I am an American. As with our founders, I have been told that if I do not like my government, and want to see it changed, that I should leave and find a better place to live. This is my country, and I have a duty to remain, and to fight for it, come what may. I will NOT move out because we are moving toward tyranny. This is my home, and it is a home worth defending. The Constitution, the intent of the founders, and the basic tenets of individual liberty make it my duty to stay here and preserve what is left, and work to regain the government that was meant to be. I am American. I will give my life for my country, if necessary. Make no mistake, this does not mean that I am ready to die. I will devote my energies to a return to the Constitution. If necessary, I will fight to my last breath, and take as many enemies with me as is humanly possible. I am an American. My rights do not come from any government. My rights come from Nature, and from the divine providence of a benevolent creator. You may choose to believe what you may, for freedom is like that. I choose to believe that I am free. No matter what restrictions you place on me, I have the right to choose how that affects me. I, alone, determine my behavior. I, alone, am responsible for my actions. I am free, no matter how despotic our government becomes. I will always be responsible for my own choices, and I choose not to run and hide, but to take a stand, and make a mark. I am an American. Ours is a country where individual liberty is the watchword, and the normal way of life, where we are protected by the Constitution. Our government was meant to serve us as citizens, not to control us as subjects. I will hold my government to a higher standard, to that standard set by those who sacrificed their lives that we may live free. I am an American. I believe in the Constitution. I believe that our country flourished when we held to the Constitution. In this time, our government has grown to an unmanageable monster, trampling the rights of the individual in favor of that illusion of safety and security, that inevitably masks tyranny. I marvel at the freedom we enjoy, even now, despite the best efforts of so many in our government. We are quickly moving away from the Constitution, moving away from that freedom. I am an American and I am free today because someone fought, bled or died in my place. I vow that as long as there is breath in my body that that their sacrifice will not be in vain. I will never surrender my duty.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:14:36 +0000

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