THE SECOND AGREEMENT Do not take anything personally The - TopicsExpress


THE SECOND AGREEMENT Do not take anything personally The following three agreements born, in fact, the first one. The Second Agreement is notomarte anything personally. Whatever happens around you, do not take it personally. I use the example above, if you encounter on the street and say, Hey, youre stupid! Without knowing you, I do not mean you, but me. If you take it personally, maybe you think youre stupid. Maybe you tell yourself: How do you know? Is it clairvoyant, or is that everyone can see how stupid I am?. You take it personally because you agree with anything you say. And as soon as you agree, the poison goes through you and you find yourself trapped in the dream of Hell. The reason were stuck is what we call self-importance. Self-importance, or take it personally, is the epitome of selfishness, because we believe that everything revolves around us. During the period of our education (or our domestication), we learned to take everything personally. We believe we are responsible for everything.Me, me, me and always! Nothing else does it for you. They do it by themselves. We all live in our own dream, in our own minds; others are in a completely different world than that in which each of us lives. When we take personally what someone tells us assume he knows what is in our world and I try to impose it above his. Even when a situation seems very personal, such as when someone insults you directly, that has nothing to do with you. What that person says, what it does and the opinions expressed respond to the agreements it has established in his own mind. His view emerges from all the programming you received during domestication. If someone gives you their opinion and says: Hey! Youre too fat , do not take it personally, because the truth is that it refers to their own feelings, beliefs and opinions. That person tried to send their poison, and if you take it personally, pick it up and becomes yours. Taking things personally makes you easy prey to these predators, the black magicians. They find it easier to catch you with a simple opinion, then you eat the poison they want, and how you take it personally, do you swallow without question. You eat all their emotional garbage and become your own trash. But if you do not take it personally, you will be immune to all poisons while you are in the midst of Hell. Such immunity is a gift of this agreement. When you tide things personally, you feel offended and react to defend your beliefs and creating conflicts. You make a mountain out of a molehill because you feel the need to be right and others are wrong. You will also strive to prove that youre right giving your own opinions. Similarly, anything you feel or do is a projection of your own personal dream, a reflection of your own arrangements. What you say, what you do and have opinions that are based on the agreements that you have established, and have nothing to do with me. What you think of me is not important to me and I do not take it personally. When people say to me, Michael, youre the best, I did not take it personally, and neither do when he tells me: Michael, youre the worst. I know when youre happy, I say, Michael, youre an angel!. But when youre angry with me, I will say, Oh, Michael, youre a demon! Youre disgusting. How can you say such things?. Neither comments affect me because I know what I am. No need to accept me. No need anyone to tell me: Michael, how well you do! Or How are you able to do that!. No, I did not take it personally. Whatever you think, feel what you feel, I know that this is your problem, not mine. It is your way of seeing the world. I do not take it in a personal way that you refer to yourself and not me. The others have their own opinions as their belief system, so that nothing will think of me actually related to me, but with them. I might even say, Miguel, what you say it hurts. But what hurts is not what I say, but the injuries you have and I have touched with what I said. You yourself who gets hurt. I can not take me personally in any way, not because they believe or trust in you, but because I know you see the world with different eyes, with yours. You create a whole movie in your mind, and it you are the director, producer and star. All others have supporting roles. It is your movie. The way we see that movie is based on the agreements that have established with life. Your viewpoint is personal yours. It is not the truth of anyone but you. Therefore, if you are angry with me, I know that is related to you. I am the excuse you mad you. And youre mad because youre scared because you face your fear. Yes you were not afraid, do not be angry with me at all. If you were not afraid, Id hate not at all. If you were not afraid, you would not be sad or jealous in any way. If you live without fear, if you love, no place for any of those emotions. If you have none of those emotions, logically you feel good. When you feel good, everything around you is fine. When everything around you is great, everything makes you happy. Love everything around you because you love yourself, because you like the way you are, because youre happy with yourself, because youre happy with your life. You are satisfied with yourself produces film and the agreements that you have established with life. You are alone and you are happy. Live in that state of bliss in which everything is truly wonderful and beautiful. From Quarks to Quasars - In Españolese state of bliss, you establish a relationship of love with everything that you perceive at all times. Whatever it is what people do, think or say, do not take it personally. If he says youre wonderful, do not say it for you. You know youre wonderful. No need other people to say it to believe it. Do not take anything personally. Even if someone will grab hold a gun and fired at his head, there would be nothing personal. Even that far. Even the opinions you have about yourself are necessarily true; therefore have not the slightest need to take anything you hear in your own mind personally. The mind has the ability to talk to itself, but also has the ability to hear information that is available from other areas. Maybe sometimes, when you hear a voice in your mind, you wonder where it comes from. It is possible that this voice comes from another reality in which there are living beings with very similar to the human mind. The Toltecs called these allies beings. In Europe, Africa and India were called gods. Our mind also exists at the level of the gods; also live in that reality and is able to perceive. The mind sees with eyes and perceives reality when we are awake. But he also sees and perceives no eyes, although the reason is hardly aware of this perception. The mind lives in more than one dimension. You may sometimes have ideas that arise in your mind, but perceive her. You have the right to believe or not what those voices tell you no longer tomártelo personally. We have the choice to believe or not the voices we hear in our own minds, just as we decide what to believe and what agreements take on the dream of the planet. The mind is also able to speak and hear herself. Your mind is divided, like its your body. Just as you can shake a hand with your other hand and feel, the mind can talk to herself. A part of your mind speaks and other listens. When many parts of your mind speak all at the same time, it creates a big problem. We call this mitote, remember ?. We can compare the mitote with a huge market where thousands of people speak and make exchanges at a time. Each has different thoughts and feelings; each has a different view. All agreements have established -the programming of the mind are not necessarily compatible. Each agreement is an independent living being; has its own personality and your own voice. There incompatible agreements that contradict each other, and conflict is spreading until it explodes a great war in the mind. The mitote is the reason that humans only know what they want, how they want and when they want. They did not agree with themselves because some parts of the mind want one thing and others want the exact opposite. Part of the mind objects to certain thoughts and actions and other supports. All these little beasts create internal conflicts because they are alive and each has its own voice. Only if we make an inventory of our agreements broach all conflicts of mind, and eventually arrive to bring order out of chaos mitote. Do not take anything personally because if you do, you expose yourself to suffer for nothing. Humans are addicted to suffering in different levels and different degrees; we support each other to maintain this addiction. We agreed to help each other to suffer. If you have the need mistreat you, be easier than others do. Similarly, if you are with people who need to suffer, something in you will make mistreat. It is as though they carried a sign on the back that read: Kick me, please. They ask for a justification for their suffering. His addiction to suffering is nothing more than an agreement to reinforce daily. Wherever you go, youll find people who lie to you, but as you expand your consciousness, you will discover that you also lie to yourself. Do not expect others tell you the truth, because they also lie to themselves. You have to trust you and decide whether or not you believe what someone tells you. When you truly see others as they are without tomárnoslo personally, what they do or say will not hurt us. While others will lie, no matter. You lie because they are afraid. They fear that discover they are not perfect. Remove social mask is painful. If others say one thing but do another and you do not pay attention to their actions, you lie to yourself. But if youre honest with yourself, you will save a lot of emotional pain. Telling the truth may be painful, but you do not need aterrarte pain. The healing is underway; that things will go better only a matter of time. If someone does not treat you with love and respect, to stay away from you is a gift. If that person does not leave, its likely that supports many years of suffering with it. That is perhaps marche be painful for a while, but eventually your heart will heal. Then, you will choose what you really want. You will find that, to choose correctly, rather than relying on others, you need to trust yourself. When you do not take anything personally it becomes a strong and solid habit, you will avoid many troubles in life. Your anger, your jealousy and your envy disappear, and if you do not take anything personally, even your sadness disappear. If the Second Agreement become a habit, you will find that nothing can give back to Hell. A lot of freedom arises when we do not take anything personally. You will be immune to the black magicians and no spell will affect you, how strong it is. The whole world can gossiping about you, but if you do not take them personally, will be immune. Someone can send emotional poison on purpose, but if you do not take it personally, do not you swallow it. When you do not take the emotional poison, it becomes more harmful to the sender, but not for you. You can already see how important this agreement. Do not take anything personally helps you break many habits and customs that keep you trapped in the dream of Hell and will cause unnecessary suffering. Suffice it to practice the Second Agreement you start breaking dozens of small agreements that make you suffer. And if you practice the First Agreement, you will break the 75 percent of these small agreements that keep you trapped in Hell. Write this agreement on paper and clip onto the fridge to remember at all times: No tetomes anything personally. When you get used to not take anything personally, you do not need to put your trust in what others do or say. It is enough to trust yourself to choose responsibly. You are never responsible for the actions of others; You are only responsible for yourself. When you understand this truth, and you refuse to take things personally, will be very difficult for insensitive comments or losactos negligent of others hurt you. If you keep this agreement, you will travel around the world with your heart completely open and no one will hurt you. You say, I love you without fear of being rejected or ridicule you. You will ask what you need. You say YES or NO-what you say decidas- without blaming or judging. You can always follow your heart. If you do, even if youre in the middle of hell, you will experience happiness and inner peace. You will remain in your state of bliss and Hell will not affect you at all.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:08:08 +0000

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