THIS YEAR IS A YEAR OF SUPERNATURAL HARVEST We can only harvest - TopicsExpress


THIS YEAR IS A YEAR OF SUPERNATURAL HARVEST We can only harvest what we plant. If it is wrong doing, it will produce trouble, suffering, hardship, sorrow, poverty, unfruitfulness, sickness, difficulties and death. Mat 7:18, Pro 22:8.Rom 8:6, 6:23 Let us be wise and use the first month of the year to invest in hard work, first in seeking and advancing the kingdom of God and living a righteous life. Mat 6:33 Prayer is the key to bind the strong man. Mat 16:19. Mat 12:29. And release the blessings from heaven to earth. Mat 6:10-13 Uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow all that which is planted by the enemy. Jer. 1:9 first in your life, before you can see clearly to remove from others, Mat 7:4-5 self, ungodly characters and habit, laziness, Luke worminess, prayerlessness, jokes, immoral, and impure talks, thoughts and wrong doings. Are you suffering from what was planted? Repent. Let us build and plant righteousness, living holy, keeping our hearts pure forgiving anyone who offend us, showing love, being patient with all, seeking peace with all, witnessing the gospel, sacrificially giving our energy, time, and money for the advancement of God’s kingdom in the heart of all men. Gal 6:7-10, 2Cor 9:6 God will shake Heaven and nations to pour blessings on us, to flow spiritually, and physically. Hag 2:6-9. And we get to function in the supernatural. Join the zealous army of Jesus to fast and pray not only for ourselves, but for the family, relatives, neighbors, localities, church, ministry, those in authority, and the nation for 21 days starting from 5th of January to 25th of January; pray with somebody or in a group for 3hours and drink water only daily. You can start with a 3days fast if you have never gone for 3days. But if you had gone 3days, go this time for 7days. If you have fasted for 7days make progress for 14, from 14 to 21. God’s grace will see you through, be strong do not fear or listen to the voice of the enemy, even in your illness God will heal you during the fast. You will harvest what you sow .
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:30:53 +0000

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