TRANSLATION Among all post (in China’s social media’s - TopicsExpress


TRANSLATION Among all post (in China’s social media’s sphere), I spotted this one, and was in mind that I am obliged to share. Are we(China) too reckless instigate a boycott on this country(Malaysia)? Lets don’t talk about boycott just yet, we cannot even boycott the Japanese effectively, for them who massacred hundreds of millions of our countrymen, and those Vietnamese and Indonesian who killed hundred of thousand of Chinese, why don’t I see any Artist boycotting them? (Chinese artist joined the condemns and boycott against Malaysia) Alright, if you all thinks that the Malaysian Government had murdered 153 Chinese passengers, then they also murdered 38 Malaysian, 12 crew members, 12 Indonesian passengers, 7 Australian passengers and 7 American passengers. Alright, lets boycott this country (Malaysia) which was first to establish diplomatic ties with China among all other South East Asian countries. Lets boycott this country (Malaysia) who had been consistently refused the United States military to build their base for the purpose of locking the Chinese survivorship(military strategy) among the lines of island Lets boycott this country, which the borders of Spartly Island which was determined by China was only 80 KM off their coast, yet the only country that does not make any objection. Lets boycott this country, which has been consistently against the Philippines and Vietnamese to bring up the conflict of South China Sea to the world’s attention Lets boycott this country, which donated to China to fight against the Japanese (during WW2) which amounts to 1/3 of the total military expenditure. Lets boycott this country, which contributed 3000 car mechanics and drivers during our(China) war with the Japanese. Lets boycott this country which allows 5million Chinese to preserve their culture, language and religion Alright, let us all stand united to boycott this country, which is kind and nice to China. Ps: if you dislike a government, means you will have to hate everything about this country, then I want to point my question to those ignorant artist who declared that they will never visit Malaysia, as a public figure, do you aware that your lead, (announcement) have hurt the Malays(Malaysian citizen)? Just now I saw a post from my friend who works as a reporter in Weibo (Chinese Twitter), he said ‘ once you have achieve certain level of patriotism, any ridiculous matter will seems to be reasonable. And this word ‘patriotism’ has bring more harm,’ The attitude of our nationals (Chinese ) sometimes is laughable. Above is an article from a Chinese china. Pls help to amplify the story board. 习近平主席: MH370 空难 马中关系不动摇 大馬不是你們想像中的…… 中國媒體和網民排山倒海的傾泄,從指責大馬政府是兇手,要大馬藝人滾回去、杯葛大馬旅遊和商品,甚至用了動物、垃圾、低等的字眼來形容大馬人。我感覺冰冷,雪上加霜,不足形容。 在找到真相之前,從馬航、大馬政府,乃至大馬人,都已經被定罪,該推入地獄。馬來西亞做了甚麼不堪的事?我在沉思。 我想起:2008年5月,中國汶川大地震。星洲日報的大門口,一大早出現了長龍,頂著大太陽,默默的排隊,到了柜台前,人們從口袋裡掏出一張張、或是一疊的馬幣,捐給中國的災民。我到一家餐館吃飯,老闆見了,趕緊寫了一張5千令吉的支票,然後說:“用無名氏就好”。大馬派出拯救隊伍,佛光、慈濟人趕到災區,只希望多救一個生命,多餵飽一個肚子。大馬的慈善家和有心人,紛紛協助興建希望小學,希望這些學校不再有豆腐渣工程,頂得住災難,不要再犧牲孩子。 我想起:1991年,開放兩國人民來往。大馬人對中國無限嚮往,一架又一架的馬航飛機,載了大馬人的夢幻,下降北京、上海、廣州。中國的一切都是新鮮而美好,即使在海關被刁難、在餐館被吆喝、在商店被欺騙,唔,都是情有可原,大馬人不會抗議,不懂得生氣。乃至在旅途中發生意外,旅遊車墜落山谷,奪走大馬人的性命,也就是意外,怎能尤人? 我想起:1938年,南洋華僑機工。上個星期,還有人在星洲日報言路版投稿,重溫南洋機工的事蹟。抗日戰爭時期,中國沿海和內陸地區被日軍佔領,盟軍的軍備和救援物質無法運入中國,惟有依靠西南大後方,從緬甸到雲南的崎嶇山路。馬來亞的數千名青年,加入運輸隊伍,開卡車,做技工,冒著日軍轟炸,以及掉入懸崖下的危險,為的就是把物質送到中國人手中。戰爭結束後,1千800名大馬子弟魂斷滇緬公路。 我想起:2014年3月,MH370事件。大馬人民為所有機上人員,包括153名中國人,一起焦慮、流淚、祈福,希望他們平安。每一個生命都值得關懷,必須盡一切力量搶救,不分國籍,不分種族。馬航和政府安排中國家屬來馬,安排生活起居;本地志願團體提供翻譯、照顧、心靈輔導。 我也想起,40年前,大馬政府第一個和中國建立外交關係;25年前,天安門事件後,率先反對國際對中國的抵制;20年前,主張東盟和中國對話,成立東盟10+1機制……。 今天,MH370事件,還未清楚來由,大馬就已經被定罪,遭到詛咒。當然,這可能是部份中國人的想法和做法,但是,鋪天蓋地的攻勢,已經把大馬污名化;而有理性和勇氣說一些真話的,又有幾個? 提起過去的事,不是憤怒,更不是反擊,而只希望更多人,特別是讓中國人瞭解大馬遭到的委屈、傷害和破壞。人與人之間的情誼,國與國之間的信任,不應就這樣被摧毀。(转载自原文作者:鄭丁賢‧《星洲日報》副執行總編輯)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:53:18 +0000

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