The Gates Foundation paid the AFT a million dollars to promote the - TopicsExpress


The Gates Foundation paid the AFT a million dollars to promote the Common Core. This summer, Mike Mulgrew told the AFT convention that he would punch in the face and push in the dirt anyone who opposes the Common Core. Here is the email that I just sent him ([email protected]). Dear Mr. Mulgrew, My name is Nicholas Tampio and I teach political science at Fordham. I have two questions about your AFT speech in Los Angeles. 1. You said that the standards are ours. What did you mean? There were no teachers on the working groups that wrote the standards (see Anthony Codys 2009 article in Education Week on The Secret Sixty). One of the teachers who reviewed the standards, Brad McQueen, said that he was brought in to rubber stamp the standards after the fact. In a March 2014 Huffington Post blog, education scholar Diane Ravitch wrote that, The process by which the CCSS were created was so fundamentally flawed that these standards should have no legitimacy. What is your response to Cody, McQueen, and Ravitch? 2. What did you mean when you said that you would punch in the face anyone who opposed the Common Core? As you may know, many child psychologists have argued that the Common Core standards are developmentally inappropriate (see the January 2013 Washington Post article, A Tough Critique of Common Core on Early Childhood Education). If a parent told you that the Common Core was hurting her child, would you punch her in the face? Thank you, Nicholas Tampio https://youtube/watch?v=ToNEs-C9HCU
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:28:22 +0000

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