The enemy has flipped so many and they dont realize it. Living for - TopicsExpress


The enemy has flipped so many and they dont realize it. Living for GOD is easy... but the perspective that some people have is that it is hard because it prevents you from doing some of those things that you like to do. But what they dont realize is when you do those things you like to do... why does it cause so much turmoil and pain after doing it. Living for God has been portrayed as a boring existence. If boring means I will avoid the chaos and confusion that some find themselves in for doing what they like to do... then give me boring any day. Living for God means you will live a purpose driven life... you will be filled with purpose... and you will avoid the pitfalls so many have fallen in to because they chose to do those things they like to do instead of living for God. The battle is not for your body my friend... the battle is for your mind. The body will die one day but the consciousness found within your mind lives on after the earthly body dies. So when many choose to do those things they like to do to comfort their bodies... which are not pleasing to God... what they lean on to drive their thinking, already compromised at the beginning due to sin, is manifested in their actions outwardly. if the enemy can get you to see things a certain way... then he will know how much he has you by what he sees you doing when no one is watching. So he changes the meaning of words and how you look at things so that you will accept it without thinking. Living for GOD is easy... but if he can get you to see it as hard... then he can get you to turn to those things you like...which are really going to cause you to live a HARD LIFE (CONSEQUENCES). You wont think long enough to look at what caused the Hard Life... you will only look at where you are in the moment as you try to get yourself out of it... not thinking that you chose the road you thought was easy and it proved to produce a hard life. And you will continue to seek those things you like without thinking it was those very things that caused the situation you found yourself in yesterday. But since that pain has briefly gone away... you continue to live the life you want which will produce more hardship as you tell yourself.. living for God is hard and truly prevents adventure. Romans 12:2 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 04:40:49 +0000

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