The inflated cost of essential products that families need, doesnt - TopicsExpress


The inflated cost of essential products that families need, doesnt match with wage increases since our days as children. Minimum wage has tripled since we were young, while fuel prices are four times more expensive, milk five times, and even a simple cup of coffee from your local gas station has increased by six times the cost it used to be. Now imagine if all of those things only tripled since then. Gas would be about $2.10 a gallon was 70 cents per, now it is $3 or more. Milk would be about $3 per gallon, was about $1, it is at $5 per in some places. Coffee at the gas station would be about 75 cents for a tall cup, was just a quarter, now $1.50 in most places. So you could support with evidence that on the average everything has increased by about 5 times the cost when we were children. Of course that is just a rough average, but I am sure the average is actually higher, not lower. Thats why even though you have a more than minimum wage job, your wife has to work so your family can be comfortable. Dont get me wrong I am not totally against both parents working, however wouldnt it be nice if at least one parent could actually stay home. The whole idea of family, which is one of the biggest ideas our country has been known for, has fallen to the wayside. Definitely not saying that our parents never had stress or ever struggled, and am glad that they just let us grow up oblivious to those stresses. However as a country we are failing the generations that you and I are now raising, and leaving them to inherit a mess that if not fixed our great grandchildren may not be able to even survive.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:47:44 +0000

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