The new role of the police in the now elitist controlled America - TopicsExpress


The new role of the police in the now elitist controlled America is as follows.The police will now investigate crimes after they happen, write reports, stop and frisk citizens, use traffic stops and minor equipment violations to search AMERICAN CITIZENS, and finally to comfiscate legally obtained guns from law abiding citizens when the word comes down from Mr. Soros, Mr Gates, and the other socialist who control policy in D.C. These admitted globalist make no excuses about their intentions to disarm America and join the United Nations charter under a one world government. Our guns are impeding that goal. Also interesting to note is that on June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation, the police DO NOT have to act. This decision along with the fact that the police refuse to go into the hood, where the real criminal are, leave the citizens of this country PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for their own protection. Now with that SCOTUS decision, along with our governments intention to disarm ONLY the law abiding citizens and their refusal to disarm the criminals leads to only one conclusion. Make up your own minds as to what your conclusion is, considering ALL of these facts. HINT: its a U.N. thing.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 00:53:33 +0000

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