The second text about ---- THATS LIFE---- Amazingly our mother - TopicsExpress


The second text about ---- THATS LIFE---- Amazingly our mother fights them for us through her milk. The close contact between mother and baby means she absorbs the same germs that are attacking us. Her immure system creates antibodies then she delivers those antibodies back to us in her milk. Until our on immune systems develop, she will keep us safe. Its time to take on the world. There are many challenges ahead . That will never change as much or as fast as we do in the first year of our life. Next, learning to understand the world through our senses. Its been four weeks since birth. The baby has drunk nearly thirty pounds of milk and it has put on two pounds – a quarter of its body weight. Its time for its first trip outside. Even a visit to the grocery store can overload the senses. Its noisy, bright and smelly. The nose is working overtime. High up inside, specialized nerves dang any airstream. They detect chemicals in the air and send an electrical signal to the brain which interprets the signals as smiles. The nerves are super sensitive. Every smell is a new sensation. The same goes for our hearing, strange new world, strange new sounds. Sound waves vibrate the eardrum. On the other side of the eardrum - these tiny bones – these icicles vibrate in response. There are smallest bones in the body. But without them, we would never hear a thing. They use leverage to amplify the vibrations, hitting the eardrum 22 times. The amplified vibrations now enter the inner ear or Cochlea. Its lined with delegate hairs. When the vibrations pass through, the hair is vibrated. At the base are the fragile hairs for high-frequency sounds. At the top low-frequency hairs. Each one two hundred times thinner then our hair on our head. Overtime loud noises were damage these hairs. But in this age, therere perfect. Our hearing will never be this good again. The story is different for eyes sight. Were born with very underdeveloped vision. Even at one month, the world is blurred and mostly black and white. Every aspect of our vision is rudimentary. The eye muscles are immature keeping us from pointing our eyes where we want to. Inside the eye, the lens muscles still can focus and the lens flips the image inquence. All through life we see the world upside down. The picture only gets reoriented in our brains. Right now, the picture is on the retina – the screen at the back of the eye. The retina has two types of cells: rods and cones. Which transform the light that hits them into the electric signals. The cones detect color information but beacause theyre not developed yet. We see mostly in black and white during our first month. From the retina, the signals travel along two fix nerves under the brain. At the back is where we process visual information. When it images alive, the real challenge begins. Our immature brains havent learned to interpret the data yet. Thats changing fast. At two months, we can distinguish colors and shades. At four months, we can identify our mothers face. By eight months, we have twenty/twenty vision. Along with our perpect eyesight comes a growth birth. We start packing on pounds. We add a quater to our body weight every month. After three months, it slows down. Lucky for us, if we kept growing that fast wed weight one hundred fifty tonnes by age four, the same as a blue whale. At eight months, all our senses work. Were beginning to explore the world and the senses we use most is touch. Touch something too hot and temperature sensors in the skins and nerve signals racing up the arms. Up the spinal cord and into the brain all at 200 miles per hour. The brain detects the signal, interpreted as pain and fires another signal back to the muscles, we move the hand away. We have sensory nerve receptors all over our skin. But some areas are more sensitive than others – The hands, face and mouth. There are nine thousand sensory receptor on the tongue along which is why babies use their mouths to explore. But theres another reason for all the nine. Something painful is happening inside the babys mouth. Her first teeths are coming through. Milk tea formed deep in our guns while were still in the womb. Now, one by one, they brush through. Its painful but its progress. At last we can start to eat solid foods which help us grow the heathy bones we need for our next vital step- learning to walk. At eight months into lifes eighty years journey. The senses are operating at full capacity. Every sensation is a new surprise. And with a new teeth, she can take one more solid foods. Digestion starts in her mounth. Teeth gind up the food, then special glands under the tongue pump out the saliva, to help break down and lubricate the food on its twelve hour thirteen for journey through the guide. Its all passed from the stomach in to the corner of the small intestine before finally passing into large intestine. Wawes of constracting muscle keep the food move it. A processs called ... This contraction are so powerfull. We can even eat upside down.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:31:11 +0000

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