|The things that rule over our life are the things we glorify and - TopicsExpress


|The things that rule over our life are the things we glorify and exhalt openly to everyone| Could you argue that my statement is wrong? I bring this topic up because it makes up who we are and what we produce and gives insight on who I am and what goes on in my heart and mind. If you enjoy life youll live it to its fullest, taking advantage of every unknown second we have left. What is one thing I know youll agree on with me? Its simply this, we know we both will die. As our ancestors did before us if you can recall your great great great great grandfathers name.? We are people that believe in not waisting time, I say this because of our need for instant gratification. We complain when something takes to long, so we must hate waisting time. The things we allow into our life defines an narrows down what we produce. What do you like in life? If you like to rave, party, work, attend school, play music, etc. These will be the things youll most likely talk about or convey. If I said these things you feel strongly about offend me and annoy me would I be in the wrong to make such a statement? I already feel that I would be, because these things I have no control over. But what do I have control over? Over what you post? Or how you choose to live this life? No, I only have control over myself. So by now hopefully Ive established that if you listen to rap - your more likely to talk about rap and quote the rappers here on fb, because you enjoy it and maybe they relate to your current struggle in life? This is only one small exaggerated example. So if I read my bible, attend church, recognize Jesus as my savior, and glorify that through my fb, is it any different than what others already do? Except I replace what others glorify with Jesus. Would it be hipocritial of others to judge me and rebuke me because of what and who I let rule over my life? If you understand what Im trying to say, thank you. And if your my friend and youve put up with my worship as much as Ive put up with yours, again thank you. Much love
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:27:43 +0000

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