There are 108 references to church or churches in the N. T. and - TopicsExpress


There are 108 references to church or churches in the N. T. and there is not one reference to a denomination. This is a sample listing: I will build my church. Mat. 16:18. the church at Jerusalem, Acts 8:1 the church at Antioch, Acts 13:1 the church in Cenchrea, Rom. 16:1 the church that meets at their house, Rom. 16:5. the church of God in Corinth, 1Cor. 1:2 the Galatian churches, 1 Cor. 16:1. the Macedonian churches, 2Cor. 8:1. of his body is the church, Col. 1:24. the church in her house, Col. 4:15. the church that meets in your home. Phil. 1:2. to the seven churches, Rev. 1:11. The churches in the cities mentioned in the Bible are called the church that met in one place in the city or in several places in that same city. The single local church was not The Church, or Universal Church. It was the church a part of the Universal Church. The combined churches in the world were The Universal Church. Keep in mind when the word church (ekklesia) is mentioned in the Bible, it is a group of Christians meeting together. The church may be as small as two or three members. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Mat 18:20 (NIV) All of the churches of the Bible were a united Church. There were no Pope as leader of all the churches, nor Cardinals, or priests to confess your sins. There were no denominations. All the Apostolic churches were united under their leader, Jesus Christ. The Apostolic Christian Church after a time had fragmented into denominations and groups, with some claiming to be the true Universal Church, such as the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox Catholic and the Church of England. The head of the Universal Christian Church is Jesus Christ and not a Pope, Bishop, President, Church Board or a prophet and whatever names that they may use. Christ is the head of the church not any church leader. It is interesting to note that some church denominations expect its members to yield up their understanding of Biblical beliefs to the interpretation of the church leaders or the denomination’s creed. This is in violation of the work of the Holy Spirit to guide all believers into all truth. When church leaders do this, they are nullifying the work of the Spirit of God. They are sinning against God, and the individuals that yield to their pressure to give up their Biblical beliefs, are also sinning against God and disgracing his Church.-------------Im interested in responses. Thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:58:23 +0000

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