Thiruman Part - 2 ஸ்ரீமதே - TopicsExpress


Thiruman Part - 2 ஸ்ரீமதே இராமானுஜாய நம: Dear Sri Swamin, Adiyen! Pranaamangal. In the previous post, adiyen discussed the reasons why we are not applying thiruman these days and the root causes for the same. Adiyen will share what adiyens kalakshepam acharayan mention when adiyen was doing Ahnikha Kalakshepam. You want to learn Ahnikham, do you think you can follow it??? adiyen replied adiyen will try adiyens best.... then Swami told, whether you can do certain things or not in these times, doing kalakshepam and learning what our poorvaas did is itself a Bhagavad Aaraadhanam. The reason why adiyen mentioned this is, adiyen has seen many that they will blindly say, these things DO NOT APPLY TO CURRENT TIMES or we are not fit for anything.... we will do after some point of time and not now. The problem arises because we are not willing to see what our poorvaas said and did. We should learn, analyse and then see if we can follow it for these days or not. In adiyens opinion we can follow many things and if one can do ahnikham kalakshepam, they can understand it. Godha piratti never said she will observe maargazhi vradham if she goes to thiruaaippaadi only. Rather piraattiyaar did the same in srivilliputtur :) Same way we can observe our day to day vaishnava sadhaachaaram wherever we are. it is that willingness that should come from our side, rest bhagavan will do it for us. Applying thiruman is one among that and an important starting point. From here the answers for why we have to apply thiruman, the places where we have to apply thiruman, size, shape and the mantras to be told and applied will be discussed. Even though some says that they are following it seeing elders, learning what our poorvaas said is a bhagavad aaradhanam and also increases our visvaasam on thiruman and our vaideeka sampradhaayam. Today let us see some introduction about thiruman and swami desikans nirnayam. Thiruman Kaappu, which is applied by SriVaishnavaas is also referred as Oordhva Pundram. The term oordhva pundram has 2 meanings 1. A symbol that looks going UP 2. A symbol that will lift us (means from samsaaram, thiruman will uplift till sri vaikuntam) Swami Sri Koorathaazhvaan mentions that devapperumaals oordhva pundram looks like He will uplift the jeevas from samsaara saagaram to His abode. Thus thiruman is not a mere symbol but it has a lot of significance. We often see a lot of symbols people apply in their forehead they can be classified into 4 types, 1. Thiryak pundram - Applying across the forehead (like vibhuthi) 2. Thilakam - Applying a small dot in forehead like Sesame (ellu seed) 3. Varthulam - Applying a round (like bindhi) 4. Artha Chandra - like a half moon (only the curved portion is applied in the forehead) So here comes Swami Desikans nirnayam. Why we need a great acharyans nirnayam?? because there are many symbols that is told in Vedas and it is easy for people to get confused or tend to conclude, any symbol is fine. We are all indebted to Swami as he took extensive pramaanaas from veda smrithi itihaasa puranaas and acharyan srishukthis. The total pramaanaas swami shown is 290 This is swamis nirnayam after analysing every pramaanaas. * Brahmanaas should apply oordhvapundram (symbol that goes up) irrespective of their mathams * Kshatriyaas should apply Artha chandra * Vysyaas should apply Varthulam * Rest should apply thiryak pundram But if he is a Srivaishnava, then irrespective of varunaashrama dharmaas or aashrama dharmaas (brahmachaari till Sanyaasi) he has to apply Oordhva pundram. Rest symbols are to be followed by other people and not by Sri vaishnavaas. Swami Desikans nirnayam based on all the pramaanaas is that, a person who applies oordhva pundram will go out of this samsaara saagaram, one who applies other will be in samsaara saagaram. This is a thumb rule to be remembered by every srivaishnava, it applies to even a child and sthri (sthri will apply the thiruman till the eyebrows and srichurnam as men). Rest of the symbols should be rejected by Sri Vaishnava as it is not told for us. Thus one has to apply thiruman as it is not a mere symbol but it lifts you above to His abode from samsaara and the first thing to be followed nithyam. Adiyen will discuss one more thing before closing this part. Though adiyen never see whatever is told in shastras are scientifically proved and then follow it, adiyen will write the scientifically proved value of thiruman, so that people who has the attitude that they will do only if it is scientifically proved will follow it at least from now on. (though many of us never do scientific research before eating road side pani-puri or smoking etc, they will do all scientific research when it comes to shaastras and tell in pride they follow scientifically proven results ;) ). Thiruman which we apply in our forehead on top of our eye brows pleases the nerve that runs from our brain to eyes and makes our eyes refreshing. Also it reduces the puss formation which our head produces often during hair wash. The Sri Choornam that is applied, which has turmeric in it, helps avoid skin diseases. So applying thiruman is both ways good and bring prosperity to ones life. In the next posts we will discuss on Why we should apply, what is the benefit and what will happen if not applied. praapyaaya praapakaayaasthu Venkatesaaya Mangalam! https://vedantadesika.wordpress/2014/06/10/thiruman-part-2/ https://vedantadesika.wordpress/2014/06/10/thiruman-part-1/
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:08:32 +0000

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