This is our way of saying up yours to Greece” Corruption, - TopicsExpress


This is our way of saying up yours to Greece” Corruption, dangerous ethnic-nationalism, increasing authoritarianism by a government adept at using its stalemate with #Greece and festering ethnic tensions, to marshal popular support and keep social issues out of the limelight. They market history and nationalism, and people buy that.” 30% of people live under the poverty line estimates for the project exceed EUR 500 million. The first Disneyland is in the US, the second in Paris and the third is in #Skopje. The feared consequence of Skopje 2014 is that its product will render Macedonia (sic) a negative brand, at best recognized as kitsch, at worst recognized as essentially inauthentic and counterfeit. We are Slavic people, we have a big #Slavic heritage and now, out of nowhere, these ancient roots...You cannot make history in two years, you have to have a tradition for that. The real problem now is this government is deleting important parts of our history, the part of #Communist times. The children now will be raised in totally different times, we are mixing up our heads with different history...its social engineering, that while cracking down on freedom of speech and the media, the government began injecting references to #FYROV’s ancient history in public discourse and text books, as a way of building a nationalistic argument against Greece and even against the ethnic Albanians in FYROV. The country sees clashes between #Albanians and #Skopjans, often involving youths on the streets or in buses...the most recent clashes took place July 4, as Albanian protesters and police battled in the capital. The country’s leaders are dragging #FYROV in an opposite direction, under the noses of tourists and without any objection from the West. Instead of condemning rife corruption and organized crime, the international community tolerates it for the sake of regional stability During this dispute with Greece we have a simultaneous decline in every facet of democracy, it’s obvious it’s being used as an excuse to crackdown on the opposition, on journalists, NGOs and the international community, all under the blanket of justification that this is because Greece is blocking us. We are losing contact with #Europe, becoming less and less a European country and turning into a version of democracy like Turkey or Russia.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:10:24 +0000

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