This is the fan page for my blog, Home to 4 Kiddos. It is a photo - TopicsExpress


This is the fan page for my blog, Home to 4 Kiddos. It is a photo journal of our homeschooling journey, that also chronicles our faith, includes recipes and other homemaking posts. I am finding that people are coming here attacking Christians and saying that we need to be tolerant of their beliefs, but not vice versa. I find it repugnant that my beliefs, faith and morals are NOT tolerated. I find it repugnant that freedom of religion continues to be trampled upon in this nation, something that was so very important to our founding fathers. I find it repugnant that the Constitution has become irrelevant and disrespected. It is beyond words that people have redefined freedom of speech to fit their own narrow definition. It applies to EVERYONE, no matter what. That is what my husband has fought for in 2 wars, and hundreds of thousands before him. I will not stand silent while his sacrifice is demeaned and my faith attacked. I will have to tolerate the beliefs of those I disagree with and demand that the same be done in return. That is civility. And so many here on FB have proven that they lack their quality.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:41:25 +0000

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