This may run long, but Im starting now before this post gets - TopicsExpress


This may run long, but Im starting now before this post gets buried with everyone elses Im thankful posts: This year has been a strange one for me...Ive been feeling like Ive been here before, and for one reason or another things dont work out like Id like them to..but I am feeling much more free of negative doubt than in any other year of my life so far. And for that, Im really thankful. Ive grown closer to people that Ive known for a little while. Ive also had the chance to re-connect with some people I was close to in the past and have watched their own transformation occur...And yes, Im thankful for that. Ive had the opportunity to watch others struggle, be in a position to help in some way, and have done so-several years ago, I wouldnt have been strong enough or unselfish enough to do so. It is a blessing. I am still coming to grips with the Yin and Yang of my life-when one thing seems the most difficult, another sees promise-and theres joy in knowing that in two different worlds, I am special and valued in some way. Now were at the TL:DR length-so lets start some acknowledgements: Dru Shelby: Mom you know how much I love you and care for you-still my best friend in the world-Im so happy to see both of us smiling at the same time...even through some of the pain of everyday life! See you next week! Olivia Flak: You are truly the love of my life...we get on each others nerves, but our luggage still matches! Chris Flak and Sean OToole: You two are family no matter what! Love you all! James Johnson: You are truly my brother, and if not for you, Id have lost my damn mind about 5 years ago. We still keep laughing-and making people move that ass...AND ITS ONLY GETTING STARTED! Your success is mine and vice versa..iron sharpens iron! Casey Immel-Brown and Mollie Wells: You two know I love you all dearly, and support you all in your endeavors in life and music. Some of my favorite people to talk to. Jay Newhouse: I could write a book about our conversations. Maybe someday I will. Youll take the pictures. Kevin Schuyler: You booked The Fallen so many times for events this gave us an audience to play for, took us to Detroit...and made us love and respect you even more. Youre always welcome at my house! David Terrill, Joey Pigg VjVendetta, Danielle Golubich, Kevin Parrish, Tony Fairchild, Mike Amerine: All of you: thanks. Your willingness to take time to understand me a little better helped me understand you all a little more as well. that makes a community a better place. Titonton Duvante: Im glad that weve gotten to talk more this year than last. Its been your friendship and the GREAT things that nobody knows about you that keep you moving...and your friendship has always meant a lot to me. Roman Zawodny: thanks! You know what for John Shima: Im always glad to hear from you! Keep doing your thing..because its working! Teresa Spear and Amy Hitch McDermott and Tommie Cotton: Always glad to get a womans perspective-I need correction every now and again (Im not right all the time...even though I think I am;) Arne Weinberg-Most of what is happening in my music life wouldnt be if you or Paul Mac had never taken the chance on some crazy dude from Columbus...Paul-we still have to talk about the rest of the EPL season! Toby Djpush Tope and Tiffany Tope: You two are the most fun couple in the bus. Keep it that way! :) Restart House Music: thanks for letting me experiment with your crowd. Seems many around the world loved the recording too:) Carl Raponi: The REAL tag-team champions remain uncrowned...and well both be watching some fights soon in the same room, I hope...if we can get Sherard Ingram involved too, thatd be the bomb! Patricia Hall and Ian Hicks: Much love, and I hope your new digs are treating you well. I still REALLY want to work with you all! I can keep going... Brianne Davis: I hope that you know that your friendship came at a time when I really thought Id never make another one. Its always nice to see you, and I hope that everything in your life goes UP the right way:) Lockertmatik Dresden: Thanks for your kind words..Alan Oldham: Thank you for helping me check off one thing on my bucket list-making a tune youd like...your support is invaluable to me. Shawn Rudiman, Angie Linder, Tom Linder and Dezi Magby-You all have kept me motivated during this year...THANK YOU for that! Anthony Shakir-you already know! Anthony Parasole, Anthony Jimenez, Zahn Jovi, and about 40 others: We will meet soon (crosses fingers). Im leaving some people off of this thank you note for personal reasons (mainly, because I want to tell them in private). I want to thank all who are reading this, because...frankly, when I type it seems people read-and that to me is a true blessing! I have a ton to be thankful for...but also, I have an apology to make: To many of my friends both here in town and abroad, Im so very sorry that Ive been unable to meet up, hang out, or spend any quality time with you. The sledgehammer of work and the cruel mistress of music have pushed me in ways I never expected...this year has been hard-and the results have been stunning...I want to share the successes with you all as well...and share in your success! I notice, I read...and I love you all. Alright! Im done for now!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:49:11 +0000

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