This nonsense pisses me off… Its just not true, unless of - TopicsExpress


This nonsense pisses me off… Its just not true, unless of course theyre talking about factory farmed milk. What they didnt mention is that for almost 10,000 years, milk made people healthier. It didnt start making people sick until around the middle of the 1900s when factory farming took off. We started feeding cows corn, keeping them indoors all year, keeping too many in close quarters, giving them hormones for better, faster results. This caused them to become stressed and sick. To fix this, we started overloading then with antibiotics. Today, standard dairy cows are medicated with recombinant bovine growth hormone to stimulate much higher than normal milk production. This causes severe stress that results in mastitis, an infection of the udders of sick and stressed cows. This infection is treated with antibiotics, helping to breed more antibiotic resistant organisms. This results in pus in the milk. The FDA says its okay for your milk to contain 750 million pus cells per liter. Those pus cells are dead from pasteurization, which also reduces the milks nutritional benefit. The FDA says that pasteurization is good for us, but its only really good for the milk industry. It allows them to get away with keeping sick cows and selling us sick milk. the bottom line is that milk is good for you, but factory farmed milk is worse than horrible for you. Cows have digestive systems that have evolved to break down cellulose in grass and access all of the nutrients. These nutrients are found in the milk of grass-fed cows, none of them are found in corn-fed cow milk. We cant get these nutrients from plants, because for us, cellulose is insoluble fiber, but we can get them from grass-fed animals in their milk and meat. Of course drinking milk you buy in the supermarkets today is going to make you sick. Its a glass full of puss, antibiotics, hormones, pesticide residue from GMO corn, and NONE of the valuable nutrients found in grass. I buy my milk from a dairy co-op. Its from cows that are 100% grass fed, kept outdoors in a pasture except for part of then winter when the are fed grass hay. They arent given antibiotics or hormones, are not over milked, are tested for human pathogens regularly, and the milk isnt pasteurized, because it doesnt need to be. They are healthy cows and also happy cows. I drink it everyday, but I would never even take a sip of that disgusting commercial milk. Its so important to know where your food and dairy come from.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:52:32 +0000

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