This weekend was one of mixed emotions when I took Barney to his - TopicsExpress


This weekend was one of mixed emotions when I took Barney to his new home. Barneys consistent therapy has slowly and steadily brought him to a place where he is much more even. His breaking in process has been mindful of his limitations and he will be ok for light riding. Barney is a funny fellow who has a bit of a warm-up period of resistance but gives in quickly to then be a pleasure. I hope he continues to grow in confidence around his new surroundings. He is a sensible fellow and with his pal Razz who is Mr Ive Seen Everything hopefully Razzes calmness (aka laziness) will rub off. Barney is essentially lazy at heart, hence the resistance at the start, but he soon gets too lazy for that. Barney and Razz will have ample opportunity for their favorite past-times - resting and eating. Plenty of carrots are on offer and a young girl who loves brushing them (who I have told the more you brush him the more he will shine! ;) ) Both Razz and Barney have a natural shimmer to their coats so with a bit of help will soon be gleaming. Along with this comes feed instructions, supplements for hooves and joints, saddle fit advice (I thought any saddle fits any horse!) As you all know that saddle fit is utmost importance. Wrong saddle = sore horse = behavioral issues. Keeping Barney comfortable is priority. A green horse does NOT want to be thinking about the saddle hurting him and then reacting to it. He has enough to think about just carrying a rider through natural obstacles and situations. I have lost count of the issues seen in horses caused by poor saddle fit! Barney will be getting a suitable saddle for him fitted this week. I will continue to visit Barney monthly to continue his foot rehab. I am very happy with the improvement so far. Gradually bringing the hooves to a better place along with his bodywork. Too fast a change would put even more strain on his less than perfect body. Although Barney has been more work than the average breaker, he has taught me much and has been a wonderful project to incorporate rehab. This young man will actually have a use, and I believe without this therapy intangibly included, he would have been thrown on the scrapheap. Yes he took a lot of work, but seeing the results has been a joy. Enjoy your new life buddy. I am really beginning to believe that horses come to you for a reason. There is no way I would have gone out to buy a standardbred without the asking of my husband (completely absurd concept in itself! ). Yet this horse needed therapy in his breaking-in so desperately. His previous owners and trainers oblivious to his problems thinking him fine, when he so very wasnt. I am also starting to believe I will find issues in every horse that comes my way! But that is a gift to each horse as I work within their abilities. As a bonus, I came across Wilma as a result of meeting Barney. Yes, horses come to you for a reason.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:31:20 +0000

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