Thursday 26 June, 2014 The current situation in Iraq has - TopicsExpress


Thursday 26 June, 2014 The current situation in Iraq has presented highly favorably for President Assad. At this time his removal from power would be detrimental to the ongoing efforts of combating ISIL. Having readily acted in striking at ISIL targets through his air force he has managed to locate a niche for his further sustainability within the region. Unfortunately it is highly likely the continuing assistance from Assad will find the wish to have him held accountable for the crimes against the Syrian people becoming greatly diluted and likely dissolved. Many had continued to elongate the harmful developments within Syria and we must explore further as to why this was permitted. I am dismayed that as we continued to drag our feet in bringing Assad to account and his associates we have now strengthened his position. I remain concerned that Assad having joined to seemingly assist against ISIL may in fact have been a relatively long term and planned exercise to further his dominance whilst Putin also has wishes to again extend his reach into the Middle East again. In my opinion the developments in Iraq have been extremely well funded by third party(ies) and, the developments have been well orchestrated and executed. The seizure of Oil facilities in Iraq would amply compensate for substantial losses elsewhere should we wish to consider Putins further in these ongoing harmful developments although it is feasible that others may be undertaking very similar activities... His Highness Datu Kurt A. Alleyne Chairman Human Rights Protection through Peace and Justice Ambassador for Peace and Order
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:05:31 +0000

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