To judge the present day perpetrators of crimes against humanity - TopicsExpress


To judge the present day perpetrators of crimes against humanity as unforgivable is also to judge yourselves as unforgivable! As you see yourselves now, as Light bearers and Wayshowers, that is very hard to conceive of. However, the illusion was constructed to experience separation from God, from your Source, and that could only be a most painful experience for all involved. Separation is a state of “everyone for himself.” And every human has played in that game. BUT, it never happened. It has seemed extremely real, even though it is not – there are very few among you who have not become emotionally involved when reading a novel or watching a movie, even though you knew that it was only a story, quite unreal, and yet you have perhaps heaved a great sigh of relief when it came to an end with the good guys winning. So, in truth there is nothing to forgive because none of that intense seeming suffering really happened. How difficult can it be to forgive nothing? Let go of your focus on unfairly delivered past pain and suffering and the resentment that it causes, because dwelling on it preserves it and you continue to suffer when there is truly no need. To forgive another is to free yourself! Not conditional forgiveness: “I forgive you, but I won’t forget the pain you caused me!” or: “I forgive you this time, but if it happens again, watch out!” Conditional forgiveness is meaningless, it is a patronizing attempt to lay guilt on another while demonstrating your own sinlessness. Sin is endemic in the illusion, but in Reality it does not exist and has never occurred. The time for judgment and its entourage of condemnation, punishment, unforgiveness and guilt is past, because that locks the entrance to your heart, shutting out the Love that surrounds you and would enter to bring you abundant joy. Relax daily into that inner sanctuary that each one of you possesses and commune freely with those in the spiritual realms who are always with you offering succor, encouragement, and Love. Allow the Love offered to you to flow freely through you and delight in the sense of value and self-worth It brings you. That delight, that inestimable joy is God’s Will for you, and when you awaken, as you soon will, it will be your permanent and eternal state of existence. Your loving brother, Jesus.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:50:29 +0000

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