Todays Affirmation: Seek advice, and then make your own decision. - TopicsExpress


Todays Affirmation: Seek advice, and then make your own decision. Follow your intuition. Allow your body to tell you what is right for you. Through a lot of trial and error, Ive learned that valuing the advice of those I hold in high esteem and want the best for me is critical in considering the various aspects of a predicament or concern. I can see only from my viewpoint; I definitely dont always see what others do - and so Im grateful to listen and get opinions shared from others. In the end, the decision is still mine to make, but at least Ive been open-minded about listening to the wisdom of those whove possibly already made the journey. Being aware of what my body / gut is telling me is a gift from the Holy Spirit (at least it is in my world). Nudges creating unsettling moments shape my thinking and help me to move closer to where Im supposed to be or to what Im supposed to do. Trusting that the Holy Spirit is with me, and my moving forward in a way that is consciously kind, compassionate and loving, I feel good about the decisions I am led to make. Conversely, I know very well when Im being pig-headed and moving in the wrong direction, casting caution to the wind and not being considerate of the ripple affect of my actions. Those decisions are the ones that cause me trouble - lots and lots and lots of trouble. Selfish motives, selfish end results; not much self-satisfaction. Listening. Searching my heart, thinking, processing and then acknowledging my gut instincts. All of these play into making good, solid life decisions. As I map out the day today, I pray that I / you / we listen to body; pray about a decision; listen to the wisdom of others and for the answer given through the gift of intuition. Selfless motives, positive end results, lasting self-satisfaction. Blessings on your discerning.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 13:22:16 +0000

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