Todays the day then! Hope everyones been logical in their decision - TopicsExpress


Todays the day then! Hope everyones been logical in their decision making :p Last night I witnessed something pretty amazing; one of my close friends dad wasnt 100% sure what to do with his vote. He didnt tell his children what to do. Instead he told his son that you can have my vote. Its upto you. Its your future. If only all the older generations could be this sound and this open-minded. Wed soon reach a much sounder society. For a change, Im really chuffed with how much awareness has spread through this country over the last few weeks with respect to how our social system really works. So many people, for the first time for many, have seen right in front of their very eyes how the media is used to persuade decision making. They now know what propaganda really is. People have been really taking an interest into the future and losing interest in celebrity gossip and general media bullshit thats kept them successfully distracted for many years. What is important to keep in mind, though, is that by voting yes and gaining independence doesnt = freedom. The words democracy and freedom are constantly paired and classically conditioned straight into our brains constantly through various media giving the illusion that they are the same thing or mean anything at all about true social freedom. Even in voting yes, I pretty much disagree with most of the yes campaign and the no campaign in their proposals as they both sell it on the basis of economic growth. I.e. Plundering the planet for profits held together with the assumption that were always going to have to work in fast food places and call centres for money, or our right to life frankly. The freedom both sides tend to offer is market freedom; the freedom of trade or competitive freedom; the freedom to lobby; the freedom to influence others through monetary means; the freedom to create something as powerful as Westminster; the freedom to corrupt everything and destroy our very habitat in the name of the free-market. What Im getting at is that even after the referendum, whatever your vote and whatever the outcome, we need to keep up this general interest into the future and we still have a very, very long way to go. I really hope we can find a true interest in sustainability; environmentally and culturally. Westminster, England, the UK, USA, the state, the rich, the poor, corrupt corporations; none of these things are the source of your problems, as they are predictable results from a larger problem - a competitive, outdated, detrimental and scarcity-driven socioeconomic system that promotes self interest as a virtue and seeking competitive advantage as a law of nature - usually called capitalism. So whatever youre voting for really doesnt matter to me too much in this context. Were all one big family (literally) sharing one planet. Peace and love to you all whatever goes down!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:12:31 +0000

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