True story! Americans need to get off their asses and be a part of - TopicsExpress


True story! Americans need to get off their asses and be a part of the solution and not the problem! When people I know tell there is nothing they can do? It doesnt effect us they say! It makes me want to through up! There is something YOU can do, Take the blinders off people! I her people tell me if they make a stink over what is going on the government might get mad, WHO GIVES A RATS ASS IF THEY GET MAD! Then I hear well if I say something or stand against the regime that will come and get us, GUESS WHAT THEY ARE COMING TO GET YOU ANYWAY!!! SHIT IS GOING SOUTH PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP! STOP WATCHING OPRAH, JERRY SPRINGER IS PATHETIC AND I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT AN OVERPAID FOOTBALL PLAYER! IT SADDENS ME TO SEE THIS COUNTRY DETERIORATE SO RAPIDLY BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE AFRAID TO STAND UP AGAINST THESE MAGGOTS THAT ARE RUING NOT ONLY OUR COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND, BUT THE WORLD AS WELL! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND BEFORE IT IS TO LATE! With this being said I am off to Church because I am proud to be a Christian Patriot! And trust when I say this, I am Praying for the lost sheep that are poisoned by the society we live! Our Country is the laughing stock of the world! And people are worried about gay rights, I WISH EVERYONE WAS WORRIED ABOUT THE VETERANS RIGHTS AS MUCH AS THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE MOST TRIVIAL BS THAT THEY ARE!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:18:07 +0000

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