UN official lambasted the “entitlement” of the parents of - TopicsExpress


UN official lambasted the “entitlement” of the parents of slain Ferguson, Mo. teen Mike Brown after they addressed the United Nations Committee Against Torture. On November 12, 2014, the National Report published an article titled “UN Dismisses Michael Brown case.” Parents Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr. of the late Michael Brown have taken their plight with the Ferguson PD all the way to the UN: a gesture which appears to have been in vain. Brown was killed after allegedly reaching for Officer Darren Wilson’s pistol during a suspected strong-armed robbery arrest in Ferguson, Missouri. On Tuesday, the couple met with the United Nations Committee Against Torture and asked that they look into what they considered to be a grievous cause of police brutality. The Browns are requesting Officer Wilson’s immediate arrest and calling for an end to the perceived racial profiling in America. The Brown’s said in their document, “We need answers and we need action. We had to bring it to the UN so they can expose it to the rest of the world; what’s going on in small town Ferguson.” The UN however, blasted back at the couple after mere hours of deliberation. In a statement released by Senior Chairman of the UN’s Committee Against Torture, he dismissed the couple’s plea (entirely). “The sense of entitlement these people have displayed is reprehensible” said chair member, Dr. Amancio Dominguez in an interview with National Report. “We deal with legitimate and widespread instances of human rights violations, and frankly the issues presented to us here are not even a blip on our radar. It is in our opinion after reviewing all the evidence that the officer in question committed absolutely (No Wrong Doing).” He continued, “While I feel for loss endured by these two individuals, I believe they are blinded by grief and this is simply not the forum which to project those feeling. My colleagues and I went over the surveillance footage, as well as other evidence documented in the case, and we believe that Michael Brown is indeed guilty of the acts of which he is being charged.” Another member of the UN committee told CNN, “We have much more important things to do than involve ourselves in county level legal proceedings. This was an absolute waste of our time. Compared to human rights violations that are prevalent in such 3rd world countries as North Korea and Brazil, America’s plight simply does not compare. While instances of police brutality certainly do exist, we have found that this was no such case and we will not be intervening in the matter.” I also feel badly that these parents lost a child but they are extremely misguided in their indoctrination of victim thinking. So profusely wrong yet determined for their version of Black Victim Justice they went around our Court system to the United Nations to achieve some kind of vindication in their mind. What they seem to forget is that their child committed a robbery while high on Pot (not legal in Missouri) and then attacked a Police Officer. We have rules in America no matter what your skin color. He disobeyed the law and he of course didn’t want to pay for the consequences of his poor choices. I can only surmise what he would be on trial for today if he had gotten Officer Wilson’s gun away from him in the struggle inside the police car and shot Officer Wilson with it. How could his parents take the moral high ground fighting for justice for lawless acts of immoral abuse, assault and robbery not only to the police officer but the shop owner with impunity? They have taken this thinking to the streets chanting, “All black lives matter!” However, I see the total hypocrisy and insincerity in their silence over the Black on Black violence and murder nation-wide. If indeed ALL Black lives matter to you then this would be a good place to start to save Black lives. Recognize the prejudice in your own hearts that you so recklessly adamantly portray as White Bigotry trying to convince the world you really are the victim in your unbiased White on Black racist cause. The UN saw through the Brown’s masquerade fiasco of injustice from the PD of Ferguson. I just hope they’re prepared to pick up the exorbitant tab from the destruction they perpetrated for months on: the Police Dept., the innocent people’s lives and property of Ferguson and surrounding cities and the loss-of-income from shop owners trying to do business there.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:56:08 +0000

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