UPDATE: I am delighted to have Dr Williams on the calendar for an - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: I am delighted to have Dr Williams on the calendar for an interview in less than two weeks, even his emails confirming times etc bring a smile to my face. In one of our thread this afternoon, this is what he reminded me (and I pass on to you) about food: Dont let food - sugar or no sugar - control your life. Take control of all energies in your sphere of existence. Paramahansa Yoganada was once asked, on a scale of 1 to 100, where does food enter? He responded that in importance to life happiness, to spirituality, to self discipline, to all that is real ---- diet would be number 99. Thank you Dr W :). I love this response and it is one of the many reasons I am excited to have Dr Williams join us for our Getting the Conversation Started Salons...he is a leader in the fields integrative and green medicine...he is acclaimed in academia and internationally published. But more than that, the (ok my), fascination for Dr Williams was awakened after reading his book The Light of the Andes, this is no ordinary white coated Doctor, he has been termed the Indian Jones of Natural Medicine as his ethnobotanical research has taken him among more than twenty indigenous tribes in North and South America. From the Artic, to the Andes Mountains and Amazon rainforests, and from China and to Cuba, he travels the globe in search of cures. He terms his investigations of healing practices and medicinal plants, “green medicine” - sustainable biological and nutritional therapies that are good for the Earth and healing to the patient. His work with Peruvian shamans and the search for the soul of healing is detailed in his book, The Andean Codex. And today he said yes to an interview with me, I am stoked by his response but most of all I am happy with myself for doing something I wanted but feared would not happen. Then the answer became less important than the asking of the question-I am really enjoying the practice of being only attached to mine own actions of asking the question without attachment to the answer. Thank you Universe, days like today make me smile from the inside out. I
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 02:32:20 +0000

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