VOL. IV, #005, 9/6/13 THERE’S AN ANCHOR IN EVERY STORM The - TopicsExpress


VOL. IV, #005, 9/6/13 THERE’S AN ANCHOR IN EVERY STORM The North Carolina Freedom House (a mostly black church) Church’s African American pastor, Makeda Pennebrook, sent out an e-mail this week telling his volunteer work force that he only wanted white greeters at the doors of the church. He said, “first impressions matter” and that his congregation only wanted the “best of the best” on the front doors.” No black folks. Huh? The KKK and the NAACP held a historic meeting in Casper, Wyoming this week to discuss random acts of violence against black men, as well as the best way to distribute KKK pamphlets in the area. Huh? In London this week, Lady Gaga showed up at an after show party dressed only in a sheer white leotard and platform ankle boots … for all intents and purposes naked. Huh? And in the midst of all of our troubles here at home and worries about Syria and Russia, our president decides to take a trip to Sweden for a few days. Sweden! Huh? Someone referred to America recently as an old toothless tiger. To me, I see us as a rudderless boat being tossed one way then another by a violent sea. I gotta say … I don’t think that ever in the history of this country do people need an anchor more than they do today. People ask me, “How can you believe in God when there is no evidence to support His existence?” My answer is, “How can you not? Show me something stable enough in this world to hold onto, and I might reconsider … but it seems to me that the longer we humans exist, the dumber we get. Why on earth is what some ridiculous entertainer wears to a party even in the news? And why does the President go to Sweden? Because if you haven’t got what it takes to handle the big problems, you run around keeping yourself busy with minutia. Here is the point. Personally, I have never had a problem with the idea of faith. In fact, I like the concept of a God whom we have not seen existing separate from what goes on in our daily lives. I like the idea of talking with him … laying my problems at his doorstep, and hoping that in some manner He will point the way. Many would disagree, and, as weird as it seems, I respect their decision. But my question is, “If you don’t have God, what have you got?” When you stop and think about it, so much of what happens to us is out of our hands. When we climb behind the wheel or our car, when we consider that our heart beats only so many times before it stops, when we step aboard an airplane … we have nothing to say about what might happen and when. But God is an anchor. He doesn’t change, He is never absent. He is the port in our daily storm … a place where we can tie up our ship when times get hard and the seas get rough. The Bible says, “When the waves of death surrounded me. The floods of ungodliness made me afraid. The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God. He heard my voice from His temple. And my cry entered His ears. (2 Samuel 22: 5-7, NKJV). Access to God isn’t complicated. It was never intended to be. We humans have a tendency to take the simplest things and over complicate them. A relationship with God is about as simple as it gets. We are the boat. He is the anchor. No need to remain adrift. Cinch down next to Him and weather the storm. He’ll be there through the calm times, and even when the seas may rage. Building the Kingdom and Blessings, Brother Jim.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 22:09:11 +0000

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