We are still working on our letter to the U.N. Human Rights - TopicsExpress


We are still working on our letter to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. We want to word it perfectly so that the people who will read it, who live in Switzerland, a country that practices true freedom and democracy, will be able to understand how the United States talks a lot about freedom and democracy, but does not really practice either of those two high political ideals. In the meantime, we want to start a new series exposing the malice and incompetence of our judges. Jury duty subjects innocent people to judges’ tyranny, because our evil government allows any judge just to recite the magical incantation “contempt of court” and then that judge can jail any innocent person for life or fine any innocent person to his or her very last penny. This kind of power is absolute, and as there is no real meaning to “contempt of court” outside of what an individual judge ascribes to it, this power is also arbitrary, and so violates the high political ideal of democracy that is supposed to inform our great nation. No expose of the horror of jury duty is complete without exploring judges’ abuse of this power. At each installment of our series, we will present one or more clear cases of judges abusing jurors or other innocent people in the courtroom, and probably over the weeks ahead intersperse other discussion topics among these, for the list of American judicial abuses is LONG. The vast majority of the judges we will be discussing are still actively working as judges. So let’s get started: *Los Angeles Judge Craig Veals fined a juror $1000—a figure greater than the amount of discretionary income that a renter earning minimum wage accumulates over a two-year period—just for yawning in court. *Oregon Judge Dennis Graves sentenced a juror to two days in jail just for texting in court. *Michigan Judge Leo Bowman sentenced a tearful mother to 24 hours in jail just because her inability to find childcare made her late to jury duty. More to come . . . . Not only does our evil government give these sadistic and hypocritical judges absolute and arbitrary power over us good and honest citizens, but our government adds insult to injury by forcing us to refer to these selfish misanthropes as “Your Honor.” We need to set up a system by which we the people can recall judicial officials who abuse their power and make them pay for their crimes against us.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:09:51 +0000

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