We do not have to be captive to strongholds. A stronghold gets - TopicsExpress


We do not have to be captive to strongholds. A stronghold gets started when we allow entrance. For me, the stronghold of processed sugar and flour began early, tapping into it as a source of comfort. Although I feel like God gave me warnings along the way about what I was doing, I thought it had become a necessary tool to keep me from being overly emotional. Depressed. Eat. Angry. Eat. Lonely. Eat. Hurt. Eat. Happy. Eat. Overwhelmed. Eat. And each time I went to it as a source, it became more entrenched in my life. It became stronger while my resolve against it became weaker. It wasn’t until I identified the problem and began to act against it with God’s help that I began to get set free. I had to identify each way I had let food become a stronghold. I had to call it out and see it for what it was—a false source. I had to confess my issue to God. I had to allow Him to be my Source above all else. I had to lay down the foods that I had allowed to become strongholds in my life. I had to give them up. God is now my GREATER. He is now my Source for any emotional issue I face. The fact I’ve lost 250 pounds is a side benefit to the BREAKTHROUGH of coming close to God and allowing Him to lead me through this life. BREAKTHROUGH will come, not by magic or slight of hand. It will come with your determined effort to press in close to the Master. And one day you will realize. BREAKTHROUGH has arrived.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:00:02 +0000

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