Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Have you ever done a ‘word - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Have you ever done a ‘word flip?’ I’ve heard of ‘flipping’ houses, but words? The point of ‘flipping’ as I understand it, is to take something, fix it up, then flip it to others, and profit in the deal. Take ‘Yes, but,’ and flip it over to ‘Thank you.’ Some of us have this ‘yes but’ way of thinking and doing. For example, after the wonderful news that my cancer is now in remission, at least one well intended soul commented, “Yes, but you know, this is a chronic disease, and you’ll have to…” Or the note we had from a dad proud that his son finally finished the work to get his college degree. The sister added a note, “Yes, but it took him nine years to do it.” “After all those years of wasted life and time, I’ve finally found my way with the help of God, AA, my family and others to a sober life.” “Yes, but you’ve lost so much money, so many friends, so much opportunity for advancement.” Like anything else, I suppose, we can ‘flip’ the ‘flip’ the other way. In talking with a college student with excellent grades and headed toward medical school, an old friend learned that the young man had decided to do missionary work instead. “ You could help so many people right here at home, and make a great living at the same time, Fred,” his friend said. “Yes, but I feel called of God to this work, Michael, and I have a peace about it unlike anything I’ve known before.” On the Sunday closest to the New Year, Bob Gates comes before our congregation, his guitar ready, and the song begins: “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, but don’t mess with mister in-between.” Before long, we’re all singing it with Bob and hoping to do what we sing in the New Year before us. Countless blessings come our way, many opportunities present themselves, when something really good happens, let’s say, “Thank you,” and get with it. The only “Yes but” types we ought to hang on to are the ones that take what’s good and turn it into something even better. I know what I’m feeling inside. Just not sure I’m saying it in a way that communicates. Anyway..consider taking “Yes, but,” and make it “Thank you,” unless the “Yes but,” makes it better. Good flipping to ya… Always love, always, Keith
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:24:35 +0000

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