Well here we are with the 10th Miracle in my list of TOP TEN - TopicsExpress


Well here we are with the 10th Miracle in my list of TOP TEN MIRACLES during my thirty seven years of marriage with my bride! 10) MIRACLE: I couldnt believe this was happening to us! This was really tough! When you stand up and do the right thing for another employee, and it costs you your job, its very hard to understand. Without boring you with all the details, lets say The Lord uses ANY situation to rebuke, correct, and teach us some very hard lessons in life. Over the years, with all of the challenges weve faced, we finally understood that the wrong question to ask is Why is this happening to me or us? Instead, the right question is, What would you like to teach me through this season or event? That really is a much better way to approach adversity. I had stood up for an employee, done the right thing, the right way, at the right time, following company policy correctly, to only end up losing my job as a result!! Instead of asking the wrong question, I asked the right question...what are you trying to teach me Lord? Im not sure I was ready for his rebuke, nor for the results of this job loss! I had never had any trouble finding a job, in fact, I had always had multiple opportunities to consider or was being recruited for the next big career move, but not this time. It would be a very challenging four months without a job. FOUR MONTHS! I wasnt prepared for four months without any income at this point in my career. We had debt, and way to much debt we discovered, but for the income we were making it was all very much in line, or thats what we thought. We PRESUMED our income would always be there to offset the debt! (first lesson learned!) Income may not always be there, trust God for food, clothing and shelter. We ended up four months behind on virtually all of our monthly expenses, with no savings to fall back on at that point. (second lesson learned) Buy your budgeted items, do not charge them, thinking Ill pay them off at month-end. If I cant afford them, maybe I shouldnt have them to start with? (third lesson learned). Trying to own something I couldnt afford, with money I didnt have, to impress people I didnt know, to project an image I shouldnt project,was only a few of the lessons that had to be crushed by the Lord! You see, pride and arrogance had slipped into my life, (fourth lesson learned) and now God was stripping each one of those things away! It was a very painful process, that I wouldnt care to ever go through again. The results of all of this, was we lost our home, one of our vehicles, and a ton of pride and arrogance that had to go. I was consumed by it and didnt even see it! We were so deceived by the enemy and blinded by our arrogance! Funny thing about deception, you dont know youre deceived when youre deceived! Thats why its deception!! We ended up in bankruptcy court, and whatever pride we had left was finished off at court. We were getting pretty close to desperate at this point when a new job, and light at the end of the tunnel begin to be seen. Oh, there were plenty of challenges ahead, and we would be better equipped to face them than ever before. We eventually moved into a little rent house, where we stayed for three years, when a friend challenged me to start looking for another house to purchase! I said we have just came through bankruptcy, our credit was terrible and there isnt a mortgage company on the planet that would allow us to purchase a home! In the natural that is pretty much the truth, but in the spiritual anything is possible! (fifth lesson learned) Take a step of faith and allow the most powerful being in the universe to step forward, God!! A friend whom I had helped and advised in their business, was facing personal burnout, and was changing her industry and doing something new, yup, you guessed it, she was becoming a real estate agent to sell homes. She called me up and said, face your fears, get off your rear end and find a house, because she needed to sell me one! We began the process, and low and behold we found one, but there was a little issue of the down payment necessary to qualify! She said lets cross that bridge when we get there! Keep moving forward and trust God! Meanwhile my landlord had decided to sell the rent house we were in, and we had exactly 30 days to make an offer or vacate the home! No pressure, right? We found out also, that the rules of mortgage lending at that time, wouldnt allow you to buy another home after bankruptcy for at least three years. So many things had to work out, and fear and anxiety were around every corner screaming at us, but we pushed through to the point of moving out and trying to close on the house with no down payment! Enter my friend Kathy who informed me she was using her sales commission from the sale of the home as my down payment! I was blown away by her generosity and compassion! (sixth lesson learned) I had to be a good receiver, and that this was a test to see if in fact, all of the pride was gone! It was indeed gone! We closed on the house, thanks to God and Kathy, and it was literally three years to the day when we moved into the brand new home, we still reside in to this very day! Ill never be able to repay Kathy and Pat Deal for the kindness and generosity so many years ago! I am forever grateful! You see sixty days later, Kathy was tragically killed in an automobile accident! The only house she ever sold, was my house to me! I knew without a doubt a miracle had occurred and God had proven himself faithful through the storm again!! God be praised!!! I will sing of your faithfulness God! Another amazing miracle of Almighty God!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:56:52 +0000

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