What Happened to Me? “…I have loved thee with an - TopicsExpress


What Happened to Me? “…I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3b Have you ever reflected on who you were 10, 20 years ago and asked yourself, “What happened to me?” We can find ourselves envious of who we once were. Maybe you used to be so full of life, so happy and free, and now you feel so unlike yourself and frustrated with everybody and everything. Life happens to the best of us, causing us to suffer temporary memory loss. But when we forget who we are, thank God He always has a way of helping us remember. “I’ve changed God and I don’t like who I’ve become. Please help me remember who I am!” This becomes the painful cry from our hearts. God hears us and He then takes us on a journey that brings all things back to our remembrance. You see, the Holy Spirit’s job isn’t just to bring a scripture back to your mind when you need it, He also helps you remember what God has spoken over your life. He recalls to your spirit and mind your identity. The beautiful thing is, you are still that same person you were before the storms of life hit you so hard. You may have been knocked down, but you are not destroyed. The real you is still in there! No change the enemy has caused in your life is permanent. And when he has sprayed graffiti all over your life, ruining every precious memory you have, remember its’ just paint. God wants to restore you to who you are in Him and make you whole and complete. Don’t worry, friend. You trust Him like never before! No matter how you feel, there’s a great woman of God within you. No matter the mistakes you’ve made or your shortcomings, you’re still a special daughter of God. You are a gift to this world and God is determined to bring every purpose, every plan, and every gift out of you. He loves you and He’s bringing it all to the forefront. Don’t worry and don’t fear. You’re in God’s hands and nothing can pluck you out of it. You are who God says you are and you will do what He says you will do. You have what He says you have and you will be what He has declared in His word you will be! Prayer: Yes God! Thank You for loving on me. I’ve lost sight of who I am. Help me remember. I’m not who the enemy says I am. I’m who You say I am. Bring me back to Your original design for my life. Open my eyes and help me see what You’ve been wanting me to see. My trust is in You! Thank You! In Jesus Name, Amen. ---------------- A sincere thank you to our Daughters of the King Daily Devotional Writers. // dot-k/contributing-authors/ OUR DEVOTIONAL APP IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE APPLE STORE! https://itunes.apple/us/app/daughters-of-the-king/id734328438?mt=8 To subscribe to our mailing list, visit visitor.r20.constantcontact/d.jsp?llr=ro4fumoab&p=oi&m=1114967834065&sit=qjrth6eib Purchase Daughters of the King Anthem on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play! Prayer Request: If you have something or someone that you would like Daughters of the King to pray for, please let us know by visiting our website dot-k.In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:08:27 +0000

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