When your partner is going through a rough patch, do you wonder if - TopicsExpress


When your partner is going through a rough patch, do you wonder if they are ever going to make it through? Do you find yourself getting irritated with their process? Or do you find it easy to compassionately hold space for them to have their experience? Over the last few months Justin had been going through some challenging waves. Even though it was sometimes difficult for me to witness him in this process and I had many of my own feelings arise, I found it remarkably easy (compared to the past) to hold a larger container for his experience. In part because I could so clearly see that he was facing into some personal challenges that were truly gifts for his soul. Ego deaths are not fun, ever, and in our experience they are essential as we step deeper and deeper into who we truly are- living aligned with our Essence, as opposed to being who we think we are “supposed” to be. What also supported me in compassionately holding him during this time was the awareness that Justin is fully committed to growing, learning and expanding his consciousness. This commitment has been one of the primary commitments in our relationship, and we feel that this kind of commitment is essential for anyone wanting to create a truly thriving relationship. Over the last few years, we have noticed that stuff comes up, challenges arise, and because of this commitment, we eventually move through them- extracting the precious gems and gifts from these experiences. Our Invitation: Ask yourself if you and your partner have a commitment to growing, learning and expanding your consciousness (yours might have totally different wording too). How does this core commitment shape how you show up for each other during rough patches? How can you more fully support your partner when stuff comes up? How would you most like to be supported by your partner when personal challenges arise? Thank you for being on the journey with us. Feel free to see and share more at DailyRelationship, facebook/DailyRelationship, and youtube/DailyRelationship. Sending our love! - Juna & Justin
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:52:29 +0000

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