***Witches of The VM***(imported post) Consecration - TopicsExpress


***Witches of The VM***(imported post) Consecration Ritual Once a tool or object has been cleansed, it must be consecrated. This is done on a new or a full moon before the object is used in one’s spells or rituals. Several tools can be consecrated at once, or a consecration ritual can be performed on each separately. You will need: Ritual space (it does not have to be your altar); a small, light colored candle (I rub mine with essential oil of lavender or rosemary, or sage or thyme); a sage wand; a fire-proof plate, large enough to hold the candle and sage; and small bowls of salt and spring water. * Create a sacred space. Set up your ritual space, then cast a magic circle, or meditate until your mind is clear. * If casting a magic circle, call the quarters. Call the quarters (compass directions) and their elements (earth, air, fire and water). The elements will protect you and lend their power to your goal. * Invoke the goddess and god. Say, “Great Mother, Great Father, I ask you to join me as I consecrate this [tool] for magical work.” * State your intention. Light the candle and sage wand. Take the tool in your hands and say, “I consecrate this [tool] for magical purposes. It is released from all its worldly energy to carry the energy of all the elements.“ * Perform the magical working – Element of Fire. Pass the object over the candle flame, and say, “By the fire, it is blessed.” Visualize the flame’s energy filling the tool with its power. * Perform the magical working – Element of Air. Pass it through the sage smoke and say, “By air it is blessed.” Visualize the smoke filling the tool with the power of air. * Perform the magical working – Element of Earth. Sprinkle it with salt and say, “By earth it is blessed.” Visualize the power of the earth imbuing the tool. * Perform the magical working – Element of Water. Sprinkle it with water, and say, “By water it is blessed.” Visualize the energy of the water filling the tool with its power. * Repeat and clarify your intention. Holding your hands on the tool, say, I consecrate this [tool] for magical purposes. May it bring me health, wisdom and transformation. This [tool] is consecrated by all the elements and by the will of the gods. An’ it harm none, so mote it be.” * Thank the deities and release them. Thank the goddess and god for their assistance and for joining you, and then release them, with, “Farewell and blessed be.” * Conclusion. Allow the candle and sage to burn down. Release the quarters and open the circle.Cleanse and consecrate all of your altar items: the altar cloth itself; Goddess symbol (e.g., green candle); God symbol (e.g., red candle); stone (north/earth); wand (east/air); athame (south, fire); chalice (west, water); the altar or spell candle; and any other items with which you may work, such as a mirror, crystal, gazing ball or pentacle. There is a separate Altar Blessing to be used the first time you erect a permanent altar.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 03:59:51 +0000

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